Chapter 3

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                                                                     Lilac's POV

Once home I throw my keys on the table and tossing my backpack who knows where. I grab a water bottle from the fridge and plop onto the couch. Sighing I turn on the TV and channel surf. Coming across Paranorman I giggle and press OK. Sipping my water bottle, I watch the best movie ever. I start drifting off when Norman meets the little ghost girl. Before I know it I’m off into lala land.


I jerk awake by three knocks on my front door. Stretching, my joints pop and I let out a yawn. I shuffle my way to the door while scratching my stomach. Opening the door to see who it is I’m met with a wide chest. I slowly look up to only to be surprised. There stood the man from my dreams. My heart skipped a beat and my breath caught in my throat. He was dressed all in black.  His long black hair was pulled back into a ponytail which made his features sharper. Plump pink lips tight with a smirk. Pale skin glowing in the moon light. But what caught my attention were his eyes. A chocolate abyss with bright vibrant streaks of gold filled with evil. I took a step back out of shock and anger flickered in his eyes. “Hi”, I managed to squeak out. Chuckling he took a step forward. “Hello my dear Lilac”, he grabbed my hand and kissed it. “My name is Roman.”

“H-how do you know my name?” I cursed myself silently for stuttering. He just brushed a strand of hair from my face. Leaning close to my ear he whispered, “I know a lot of things my love.” He placed a light kiss to my ear. So light I didn’t know if it was a kiss or his lips just brushing my ear. ”What do you want?” His face was now in the crook of my neck placing light kisses. ”You”, he said in between kisses. I jerked away from him and took another step back. “I don’t know what game you’re playing at! But just leave me alone!” I was about the slam the door shut when his hand stopped it. He pushed it open and stalked toward me. “Now you see my love I can’t do that. You are mine and have always have been mine.  And no one can stop me from having what is mine not even you.”

Before I knew what was happening I was running up the stairs and into my room. I franticly looked around my room looking for my phone. I knew I didn’t take it to school with me so where was it? I froze. No, no this can’t be happening! My phone was on the kitchen table! It was too late though I could hear the heavy footsteps coming towards my room. I quickly turned off my light and hid underneath the bed. I know I know it was the most stupid hiding place ever. But it was the only place that I could really hide. God I felt like I was in a scary movie.

My door opened and everything was quiet. I could see his shadow move around my now lit room. “Lilac”, he said tauntingly. “I know you’re here. It’s pointless to hide from me!” It felt like forever till he walked away and shut off the light. I let out my breath and relaxed. Maybe I could wait him out till he leaves, I thought. But that thought was quickly diminished when I felt my feet being grabbed. I tried clawing and getting away but he was too strong and pulled me out from underneath the bed. He flipped me over and held both of my hands in one of his above my head. His legs pinned down my own. I struggled. I really did. But it was useless he was too heavy to move.

His black hair had become lose during the struggle and made a curtain around our faces. Both of our breathing was heavy and he was staring into my eyes intently. With his free hand he brushes away the hair on my face. He taps my nose and tsks. “That was very naughty of you”, he breathes in my face. A tear slips down my face. “Please. Please let me go I’ll do anything give you anything.” I whimper as he grips my chin in his hand. “All I want is you.” He stands up and tugs me with him. While he was adjusting me I kneed him where the sun doesn’t shine. He let me go and doubles over cursing in a different language. I didn’t stick around to see if he was ok. I was down the hall when I heard a roar and running. I squeaked and ran down the stairs.

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