Chapter 9

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                                                                          Lilac's POV

I woke up to feeling a slight electricity humming throughout my body. My brain seemed to be fuzzy and not wanting to function. I felt like I was floating and was going to fly away any minute. In other words I felt like I was in a major high. One thing was for sure though it was the best sleep I’ve had in years. But yet I couldn’t figure out why I felt this way. How I felt this way. No scenario came to mind but then again I could barely think in this high. Pulling my arms above my head I stretched out my body and in mid-stretch something caught my attention. Stopping I turn my head and was met by a lilac on the pillow next to me. The sweet intoxicating sent invaded my senses and made them hazy. The dark rich purple petals seemed to glow bright. Some of the petals had fallen off onto the pillow seeming to surround the flower. Reaching out I gently picked up the flower. I twirled it around a couple times watching the dark color turn into a purple blob. A few petals fell onto the sheets and my chest. Making the sent seem to go everywhere. Not resisting the urge anymore I lifted the flower to my nose and inhaled deeply. My nose felt like it was going to explode from the heady sent. Even as I took away the flower the sent still lingered in my nose.

I wonder who have me the flower. There wasn’t that many people to choose from. It wasn’t Maria she was still recovering and it wasn’t Isaac he was too busy taking care of her. Caleb didn’t seem like the person to give out flowers. That left me with Roman. But why would he give me a flower? Something so delicate like this didn’t fit with a destructive man. Then a different thought struck me. He was in my room. He had to be to put the flower on the pillow. Was he the reason I felt the way I did when I woke up? That my body was just reacting to him? My brain seemed to be drowning with thoughts. Too many whizzed back and forth in my head. Why is this happening to me? Why me? Please someone tell me. Of all the girls in the world he chose me. Why must I go through this? Why not another girl? All I want to know is why me?

Clearing my thoughts I whipped away the stray tear I didn’t notice come out in my mental break down. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed I stood up and made my way to the bathroom. After doing my business I went into my closet. Raking through the many outfits I stopped at a dress. It was a sleeveless midnight blue corset dress with baby blue ribbons. Taking it off the hanger I striped and pulled the dress on. Reaching back I grabbed the ribbons and tried to tighten it, but it wouldn’t tighten. I needed someone to pull the ribbons and Maria isn’t here. I let out a frustrated grunt and once again try to pull the ribbons. This is impossible! Suddenly there was hands replacing mine and pulling the strings. The mystery person laughed and tied the ribbons. Then before I knew what was happening the hands were wrapped around my waist and I was pulled into their chest. I knew it was a man because their hands were too big to be a females and they had a hard muscular chest. Their lips rubbed against my ear and gently blew into it. I shivered and they let out a low laugh.  “Caleb”, I whispered. Tugging on my hair he pulled my hair back till my head rested on his shoulder. Grinning down at me he caressed my cheek. “I would have thought you would have figured it out sooner considering the past we shared.” What was he talking about? I’ve only known him for a few days. “What?” I questioned.

Not answering he kissed down my neck to my shoulder. “You will find answers yow want in the library.” With that said he let me go and walked out of the room. I can defiantly say he was a weirdo. Brushing off his encounter I pulled my hair into a braid and tied it with a black ribbon. Going barefoot I made my way into the hall to hunt down the library. The floor was cold against my feet as I wondered aimlessly. After looking through a thousand doors I finally found it. Floor to ceiling book shelves covered three of the walls and on the fourth was a fire place with big leather chairs sitting in front of it. Walking over I looked for matches and found them on the mantle. Taking out a match I struck it against the box and then bent down to light the logs. Replacing the box where it was I made my way to the book shelves. Ladders were on each one to be able to get the high up books. I ran my hands against the spines of the books and I walked to each one. Nothing caught my eye. Well except the giant painting of Roman above the fire place.

His long hair was pulled back into a ponytail and his lips were pulled back in a smile. Smiling. He was actually smiling. A real genuine smile that sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Reaching up I lightly touched the bottom of the painting. It was mesmerizing. The way his eyes lit up and the slight dimples at the corners of his cheeks. Pulling back I sat down in one of the chairs tucking my legs underneath me. My eyes seemed to be transfixed on the portrait the whole time I sat. What may have been hours I looked away and noticed the fire had turned into embers .After relighting the fire I turned around and noticed a huge book siting on the table. Out of curiosity I picked it up and returned to the chair. The cover seemed warn with age and the corners were dented. Carefully I opened the book and was met with a picture of me. But it couldn’t be me because this girl was wearing a bonnet and one of those old fashioned dresses. At the bottom of the page was written “Camilla Lou Johnson”. Yeah it defiantly couldn’t be me. Turning the page there was another girl with red hair and my eyes. Flipping through the pages there was a girl on each page with the same eyes.

On what seemed to be the last page there was a picture of me. What is this? Are these girls he kidnapped like me? But how did they have the same eyes? And most importantly why did the first girl look like me? I mean we could be long lost twins if it weren’t for the name. There was a sudden presence behind me. Tensing I turned my head and was met with a emotionless Roman. “So you found it.”

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