Chapter 7

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                                                                          Lilac's POV

The sound of the whip hitting flesh echoed through the air. I flinched and let out a cry of despair. Maria didn’t deserve this. She was just trying to help me, but yet she was being punished. Each lash made my heart break. Tears streamed down my face in agony. At one point Maria forgot to count out the number of the lash and got ten more. All the while Roman had a malicious grin going across his face each time he brought down the whip. Sick and twisted. Those two words describe him right in this moment. Someone who can enjoy this is really truly sick. Hatred for him bubbled up inside me. How can he do this? The answer is simple, I thought as he let a joyful laugh. It’s fun for him and he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care that he’s inflicting pain on someone. In fact he looked like a little kid on Christmas. By the time he stopped blood covered everything. Maria, the stage, and even Roman. Roman slowly walked off the stage and to me. He raised a bloodied hand and caressed me cheek. “I would really hate it if you were to defy me. It would be such a shame to ruin a pretty girl like you.”

Leaning down he licked my cheek. “You had a little something there”, he smirked and then walked off. Caleb then let go of me and followed behind him. I didn’t waste any time and ran onto the stage to Maria. I tried to take off the cuffs around her wrists but my hands were shaking too much. Clenching my hands into fists I squeezed my eyes closed. I need to get myself together and do this. Opening my eyes I sucked in my breath and focused. Reaching up I unlatched the lock and un-cuffed her wrists. Once Maria was free she fell forward. Rushing forward I fell to my knees and flipped Maria over. She was unconscious from all the blood loss and pain. I took her into my arms and rocked her back and forth crying. She didn’t look too good. Her hair was matted in clumps and she had tear tracks running along her cheeks. And above all she was drenched in her own blood. I was too scared to look at her back. I wouldn’t be able to do it. Finally I stopped rocking her and tried picking her up. But she was too heavy for me and I fell back down.

After a couple tries I gave up and let out a frustrated yell. A hand landed on my shoulder and I let out a startled scream. Whipping around I looked up and saw Isaac. He just gave me a mustered up smile and bent down next to me. Reaching out he took Maria into his arms and lifted her up. Standing up I followed him to a hallway I haven’t seen before. Pushing open the door for him he walked in and set Maria on her stomach on a slab. I stood by the door watching him grab things. This room for sure was something I haven’t seen before in all my eighteen years.

Herbs hung from the ceiling and shelves held weird objects in glass jars. Candles were the only light illuminating the room. It honestly looked like a witch’s lair. Isaac had a cloth and was wiping Maria’s back. I walked up beside him and was met with a gruesome sight. Maria’s back didn’t even look like a back anymore. Bloody chunks of flesh were what remained. I heaved and then bent over and puked. I knew I wouldn’t like the sight of her back. Isaac just patted my back and went back to work. Getting myself together with a couple deep breaths I stood back up. The sight before me made me want to bend back over and puke once more. Isaac had cut his hand and was holding it over a bowl. What was he doing? Them he brought the bowl over and the scent of blood and herbs filled my nose. Dipping a rag in the bowl he started to rub it on Maria’s back.

“What are you doing?!” I screamed. He stopped and looked me in the eyes. “I’m healing her. Would you rather she bleed out and die?” he asked with his eyebrows raised. Looking away ashamed I muttered out a small no. Nodding he returned back to Maria and started to chant. I couldn’t make out the words he was saying. So it sounded like a bunch of gibberish to me. But it seemed to work because her back started to heal. Her skin slowly pulled together and got a healthier look. I let out a sigh of relief. Looking over at Isaac I noticed his shoulders were tense as he started to clean up. Going up behind him I grab his shoulder. There must be a reason why he seems affected so much. I can’t tell what his relationship with Maria is. From the time he kissed her forehead till now where he healed her. I know they must be close from those acts.

Turning around Isaac looked anywhere but me. Grabbing his chin pulled it down so he looked me into the eyes. Raw anger and sadness filled his black orbs. My heart clenched and before he could react I pulled him into a hug. Isaac just stood there for a minute shocked till he finally wrapped his arms around my waist. Borrowing his head into my neck his body began to shake. Hot pools of tears started to soak my shoulder. Rocking him back and forth I whisper soothing words in his ear. After what seemed like a couple of minutes Isaac calmed down and pulled away. Using the bottom of his shirt he wiped his eyes and cheeks.

Taking a calming breath he spoke, ”I’m sorry about that.” My nose scrunched up in confusion. “What are you sorry about? That you cried or for running my shirt?”, I questioned. “Both I guess”, he replied while shrugging his shoulders. Sighing grabbed his hand, “Isaac you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s good to let your emotions out once in a while and besides I could care less about the shirt.” Taking his hand out of mine he shook his head. “I shouldn’t have let myself do that! I’m your guard and I must protect you at all times!”, he yelled and let out a frustrated grunt. “Nothing could have happened to me. Do you see anyone else in the room? No! So it’s okay that you cried, because crying means you feel. And I would rather be protected by someone who has a heart than one without. So why don’t you sit down and tell me how you know Maria.”, I stated calmly.

Isaac just stood there staring me down till he finally gave in and took a seat. Following suit I pulled up another chair across from him. Folding his hands on his lap he began, “I’ve known Maria most of my life. My father found her as a baby alone in the woods one day. She was in a thicket of bushes and he wouldn’t of found her if she wasn’t crying. He looked for her parents and found them a couple miles away drenched in their own blood. So he decided then and there that she would be the little girl he always wanted. That was the day I gained a sister. Of course there is the obvious factor that’s she’s a pixie and I’m a fairy. And she had a problem with people picking on her for that. So me being her big brother I protected her. I will always protect her,” he finished with a stern smile. But I could see the affection for his sister in his eyes.

“How did you and her end up here?” I asked. I mean I guess I would have figured him being here because of his protective nature. But Maria being here doesn’t make sense. She’s too sweet to be working for a monster. Isaac sighed and hung his head in what seemed like shame.  “After the big massacre, I took up the job of being a royal guard. Since we didn’t have our parents anymore we needed money. Shortly after I fell in love with one of Roman’s personal maids. Aria was beautiful with long brown hair infused with purple highlights and yellow eyes. She’s a pixie just like Maria and one day Maria came with me to the castle and the two of them became fast friends. To be close to each other Maria took up a job here as a maid. It didn’t last long till Aria started acting like well not herself. She would slap Maria around and would bite my lips while kissing to drink my blood. She had changed.”

Isaac tilted his head back and let out a harsh laugh. “She came up to me one day and told me she was in love with Roman and that she was going to be his queen. So oh yeah changed she had. It didn’t take long before Maria wanted to quit. But the thing is once you work for Roman you don’t ever leave unless you die. So she was stuck here with me. As for Aria it didn’t take long for Roman to dump her once he was done using her. But after that it was too late Aria was already corrupted. Darkness over took her and she became an evil fairy. The Aria I once knew was gone and in her place was a darkened soul.”

Standing up Isaac grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my seat. “So know that you know we have to get you back to your room.” I shook my head no quickly. I couldn’t leave Maria like this! “But what about Maria!? Why can’t I stay with her here?”, I cried out trying to pull my arm out of his grip. Key word tried. He wasn’t a guard for nothing. “Lilac no. We must get you back before Roman notices your missing.”. he states while dragging me down the hallway. I wiggled around and kept shouting to let me go. He stopped and turned a stern look my way. “If I let you go do you promise not to run.” Looking defeated I sighed out a “I promise” while moving my foot back and forth.

As soon Isaac let my arm go I shot off back down the hallway. I laughed as Isaac let out a frustrated growl. Soon enough though I heard him running after me. Right as I made it to Maria, Isaac caught me and threw me on his shoulder. Pouting I hit his back. “Hey! Put me down. I want to stay here with Maria.” Isaac just ignored me and I went limp knowing well enough I’m not getting away this time. Stopping outside my door Isaac set me down and pushed me in. “When Maria is well again you can see her. But for right now stay in your room till someone comes and gets you. Understand?” Knowing I had no say anyways I nodded and turned around as he shut the door. Well what am I going to do now?

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