Chapter 8

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*Morgan's POV*

I was about to tell Jordan that everything is ok and we are still friends but I was cut off by Sandi and Emily walking down the steps talking about Wes, I wonder what they were saying about Wes.  I was pulled from my thoughts by Jordan saying he was coming with us. I was shocked that Jordan said he was coming to the beach with us, but I was kinda relieved that he decided to go.  As we started heading to the beach Emily, Sandi and Jordan was talking about something so I decided to put in my headphones and decided to listen to one song that made me smile no matter what and that's The Best Song Ever by One Direction. Before I knew it we finally reached the beach, I was so excited to see Keaton again.  As we reached the beach I spotted them out in minor of minutes so I pointed them out to the guys and we decided to head towards them, I kept getting nervous what if I fuck this up like I did with my relationship with Blaine. Morgan stop thinking about Blaine ok! Your right your right I need to stop and before I knew it we were greeted by Wes, Drew and Keaton. Morgan don't screw this up, don't you dare over think anything!! Why was my inner voice always right I have to calm down, and just relax we are all just friends. Right?

*Wesley's POV*

Drew, Keaton and I decided to head to the beach to get a quick surf in. I was excited to hang out with them they seem like pretty cool people when we met them at the airport. I have a little feeling that Keaton has a thing for Morgan.

"Keaton so what do you think of Morgan?" Drew asked while nudging Keaton in the arm. Keaton looked away and as much as I can see I think his face was turning red.

Before Keaton could answer we were greeted by the girls and that Jordan guy. Keaton got lucky that they showed up, but I'm going to find out sooner or later.

*Keaton's POV*

I was so thankful that Morgan and her friends showed up. I knew Wes and Drew were determined to find out what I think of Morgan. "Hey guys" Wes said as he greeted everyone, i just waved not knowing what to say. Emily and Drew started talking about some deep serious stuff and Wes and Sandi were having a good conversation about music. I looked around not able to find Morgan, so i decided to ask Jordan if he knew where she went. They have only just got here and she has already disappeared, i looked to find Jordan and then i spotted him sitting by himself.

"Hey Jordan" i said as i slowly walked up to him.

"Hey Keaton" he said with a little grin, we just randomly started talking about nothing really.

"Jordan do you know where Morgan went like she just randomly disappeared." i asked as Jordan pointed off to the other side of the beach.

The beach was beginning to empty as the sun began to set. Then i saw her wow she looks beautiful my inner voice was right Morgan looked beautiful in this lightening.

"Hey Morgan" I said as I walked up to her. She didn't look at she just kept looking out towards the ocean. I had a feeling something was going on with her, I was just worried because she wasn't so bubbly like she was when we met at the airport.

"Morgan are you ok?" I asked hoping that she would tell me but she just kept quiet, I had to figure out what was wrong with her.

So I got up and ran to where everyone else was.

"Hey guys do you know what's wrong with Morgan she wouldn't talk or even look at me" I blurted out in front of everyone Sandi and Emily's facial expressions fell.

After the whole 2 minutes of awkwardness Emily finally told us what was up with Morgan, it crushed me that he boyfriend broke up with her in a text with no explanation. I thanked Sandi and Emily as I started to walk back to Morgan.

"Morgan please talk to me!" I said as I set back down beside her.

Morgan looked up at with sad eyes, it also looked like she been crying I can tell by the redness around her beautiful hazel eyes. Morgan didn't even talk she just started crying, I rapped my arm around her to console her.

"Morgan it's going to be ok" I said over and over to try and make her feel better. Then I got an idea, so I pulled out my phone and texted Wes.

To: Wes - Hey why don't we head back are place and invite everyone for a movie night?

To me it sounded like a great idea. I got a text back from Wes saying lets do it. Since everyone agrees to it I was wondering how would I get Morgan too.


"Yes Keaton" she said so sweetly looking up at me.

"Morgan I have an Idea that everyone agrees on, and that is to have a movie night." Morgan was quiet but she nodded agreeing as well.

We slowly started to walk back to everyone that waiting on us, so we all started to head back to our place. I was being my weird self trying to make Morgan laugh which I did, Her smile was so perfect.  As we walked into the apartment Wes and Sandi headed straight for the kitchen to get some snacks, and Drew and Emily headed straight upstairs to find some good movies. That left Morgan, Jordan and I in the living room, but it wasn't to awkward because we all started talking about are favorite type of movie.

"Do you like scary movies morgan?" Drew yelled from the upstairs. Morgan face went from a smile to a frown.

"Oh no I hate them" she yelled back. Jordan started to pick at Morgan for not liking scary movies, they were acting like brother and sister it was so funny. As I started to laugh Morgan looked at me like I was crazy.

"What is so funny Keaton?" Morgan asked all serious.

"You and Jordan you guys are arguing like brother and sister," I said in between laughs. The before I knew it we all started to laugh.

As Sandi and Wes walked in with the snacks Drew and Emily started down the steps. We all decided on watching on watching an Adam Sandler movie. Before the movie started we all agreed on having a movie night every week.

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