Chapter 9

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- 5 weeks later -

{Morgan'a POV}

Tonight is are movie night with Wes, Keaton and Drew. It has been such amazing past 5 weeks. We have all gotten close as friends, Wes and Sandi are hitting it off and Drew and Emily are like bestfriends it's amazing. Well Keaton and I have have gotten really close, he is such a sweet person. For me and Wes and Drew they are like my older brothers, they are so amazing I'm so happy I bumped into Keaton. Jordan and them are pretty close which is what shocks me. Jordan told them that I was a big fan of Emblem3, which made everything awkward for like 5 minutes but its all good now. I haven't even thought about Blaine that much, but I'm over it really.

{Blaine's POV}

Emily texted me a week ago asking me why I broke up with Morgan but I couldn't tell her. It kills me that I cheated on her, I still can barely remember everything that happened but all that I know is that I cheated on the girl that I loved.

"Dude if you miss Morgan fly to California and explain yourself to her." Scott said as he walked to the chair beside me.

"If it wasn't for your stupid ass taking me to that party I wouldn't be in this fucking situation" I snapped I was sick and tired of Scott's bullshit.

"Calm down ok I was trying to be a friend alright and I have a feeling that your girl don't want you now anyways!" Scott said sitting back smirking.

"What the fuck are you taking about?" I asked puzzled.

"Dude I have friends in Cali, your girl Morgan is all buddy buddy with Keaton." Scott said while getting up from his chair. I snapped I couldn't handle him any longer. I got up from the chair that I was sitting at and grabbed Scott slamming him in to the wall.

"If you would have kept your fucking mouth shut and not tell me about Keaton then I wouldn't have thought I would lose her and if you didn't talk me into going to that fucking party I would still be with Morgan!" I yelled while holding Scott up against the wall. He chuckled "dude it was your fault your cheated you were all up on Stacy and your the one that made the first move." That doesn't sound like me but Stacy told me the same thing gosh I'm so stupid! I let Scott go and slowly walked to back to my chair.

"You don't need Morgan anyways she is a little bitch." Before I knew it my fist hit Scott right in the jaw.

"She is not a bitch!" I yelled at Scott as he grabbed his jaw in pain. I walked out the apartment and decided to tell the truth and see where it would get me.





"Yes Emily it's Blaine"

{Emily's POV}

We just finished watching 6 Adam Sandler movies, well Drew and I did because everyone else was asleep. If your wondering about me and Drew we are just friends, we are kinda a like and he is just plain awesome. I looked around to make sure everyone else was asleep. Sandi was snuggled into Wes and Morgan was snuggled into Keaton. Drew and I let out a little aww until my phone started blaring Rock Me by One Direction. I was shocked to see who was calling me.

"Hello?!?" I said trying not to wake up everyone.

"Yes Emily it's Blaine." I signaled Drew to follow me outside and as we slowly closed the front door I put my phone on speaker.

"Blaine what do you want?" I asked nicely as I could but as I said his name Drew's face went from puzzled to full of rage.

"Emily I'm sorry that I didn't tell Morgan why I broke up with her and that I broke up with her, I just didn't want to hurt her."

"Well to late for that" Drew yelled into the phone.

"Who is that?" Blaine asked

"That's Morgan's friend Drew," I said trying to keep Drew calm.

"Drew, Emily I promise you I never ever wanted to hurt Morgan but I knew if I told her why I wanted to break up it would kill her." Blaine was right I knew he would never hurt Morgan and I know that she would be more hurt then she was if she knew that he cheated on her.

"Dude you fucked up ok Morgan is such a sweet person and so caring and she doesn't need dicks like you in her life!" Drew said as he went back inside slamming the front door. I decided to stay on the phone and try to understand Blaine and figure out what happened, So I took him off speaker.

"Explain everything that happened" I said waiting to hear what the whole story was, and why he done it.

{Drew's POV}

As Emily and I finished our 6th Adam Sandler movie we decided why not watch another one. So I was about to grab another one when I decided to look around at everyone. Morgan and Keaton were snuggled up to each other just like Wes and Sandi were. Emily and I let out a little aww until her phone started to play Rock Me by One Direction. As she looked at her phone to see who was calling she looked shocked and decided to answer it. As she started to talk she got up and headed for the door signaling me to follow her which I did. As I slowly closed the door behind me she put the phone one speaker.

"Blaine what do you want?" Emily asked I started to tense up hearing that name. He made Morgan feel like she did something wrong, when it was his dumb ass that messed up.

"Emily I'm sorry that I didn't tell Morgan why I broke up with her and that I broke up with her, I just didn't want to hurt her." He started to plead, I'm not going to believe anything this it's all dumb really.

"Well to late for that" I blurted out. I was so pissed off at this kid he hurt the girl who is now like my little sister I was taken out my thoughts by him asking who that was Emily said I was one of Morgan's friends and then he started apologizing to me and emily about everything I couldn't take listening to his bullshit any longer I needed to say something.

"Dude you fucked up ok Morgan is such a sweet person and so caring and she doesn't need dicks like you in her life!" I yelled as I slammed the front door behind me. Which I wish wouldn't have done because it caused everyone to wait up looking at me like I was crazy.

"Drew what's wrong?" Morgan asked sitting up. Should I lie to her, no I couldn't it would kill her.

"Morgan Emily is outside talking to Blaine about what happened between y'all and why he broke up with you" I said waiting for her to blow up. I was shocked to see her get up and head for the front door. What is she doing or going to do?

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