chapter II

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He didn't know for how long he was alone; he couldn't help but fall asleep after Mara left.

Mara. She really was something else. When she had first walked into his room, she had unsettled Luke. He didn't have much experience with talking to women, especially women like her. Perhaps it was because he knew just how dangerous she was. In one instant she had him flat on his back. How easy would it be for her to kill him?

It didn't feel right, having someone so small have so much power over him. But Mara Jade was lethal and not one to be messed with; that's not to say that Luke would shy away from the challenge. If the emperor couldn't break his spirit, Mara Jade wouldn't stand a chance.

It was easy to think of all the things he would say to her or ask her, but then she was barging into his room again, holding herself as if she were the empress. "Skywalker," she said coolly. "I hope you've enjoyed your nap. But, now it's time you came with me."

He instantly grew alert as he drew himself up from the bed. "Where are we going?" He didn't have to ask, not really. He knew where he was headed. It was a moment that Luke had been stressing over ever since he was captured by the Imperials. The moment that he would meet the emperor. Luke tried to keep his facial expression blank, as if the he wasn't bothered, wasn't afraid. But he was afraid, and his heart hammered in his chest. His shaking hands balled into fists.

"Don't ask stupid questions, Skywalker." She held the door open for him as she waited for him to walk through. Luke wished he could have just one more moment alone, just long enough to pull himself together. He had to be strong to face the emperor. Oh, why had he spent his time sleeping when he could have been meditating? He wasn't ready...

But his thoughts were imperceptible to others as he just nodded and walked out the door. When he exited the room, storm troopers were on him instantly. "Back off," he heard Mara's voice snap. "I've got it." Her hand fell on his arm. "Skywalker." Her voice was quiet, almost to the point where Luke could barely hear his name. As she held up the cuffs, he knew what she was asking for. He stiffly held out his wrists and waited as she snapped the cuffs around them. "Alright," she said as she finished. "Follow me."

. . .

Mara didn't know how to feel as she led the Jedi to the throne room. Perhaps apprehensive? She knew what her emperor wanted; he wanted to turn the jedi to the dark side. And that's all fine and good, but what would he do with Skywalker then?

Would he take my place?

But no, that'd be silly, Jade tried to reassure herself. She had been trained her entire life specifically for her role as the emperor's hand. She had followed her master dutifully, undertaking every order she had ever been given. Even Skywalker couldn't compete with her.

Then why was the emperor so obsessed with him?

"Credit for your thoughts," Skywalker murmured as he walked besides her. She turned her head and looked at him, feeling irritated that he tried to make conversation with her. But then she remembered... she was supposed to be his friend.

But she didn't know what to tell him; she couldn't exactly say that he worried her. She couldn't let on just how close she was to the emperor. He'd never trust her then. It was bad enough that she was on the opposing side, but if he knew she was the Emperor's Right Hand?

She made sure to keep her breathing steady, and tried to ignore his gaze. "I'm thinking that I don't know what the emperor has planned for you," she eventually said.

"And does that bother you?"

"Nothing bothers me."

"That's not true. I can feel your presence in the force." He said it so offhandedly, like it wasn't something of much importance. But it caused Mara to stop in her tracks. Her entire body tensed as she faced him, and she only grew more angry as he kept talking. "It's agitated. I'm sorry. You're not very good at concealing yourself." At the look on Mara's face, Luke immediately wished he had kept his mouth shut. Her lip curled up over her teeth, an imitation of a snarl, and her eyes narrowed into a glare.

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