chapter XI

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     Luke guided her to his room in silence, but occasionally glanced over at her. He couldn't help himself; it was as if he had to make sure that she was really there, really following him. Plus, she looked especially spectacular in her party dress.

     The door slid open before them and Luke made his way in; Mara, however, decided to hover near the entrance. Luke could only imagine how she might be feeling; he would be on guard as well if someone had tried to murder him.

     Mara watched curiously as Luke made his way towards his bed. With his back to her, he knelt down on the ground and reached a hand out under bed. He groped for a few minutes before he finally pulled out a box. It wasn't very big, it looked only about a foot long. But he held it reverently and Mara could only guess that whatever was inside meant very much to him.

     He sat down on the bed and placed the mysterious box in his lap. He motioned for Mara to come closer. "Come here," he told her softly. "Sit." Slowly, she walked closer, and joined him at the edge of the bed. He didn't say anything when she sat down, but simply offered her the box.

     She took it from him; it didn't weigh a lot. Not wanting to waste time trying to guess what it was, she opened the top and peered inside. There was a oblong bundle of cloth inside; with careful hands, she picked it up. The cloth slipped away, revealing the hilt of a lightsaber.

     She could do nothing but stare at the object in shock; she had never held a lightsaber before, just admired them from afar. She didn't deserve one, she wasn't in the position to own one. Shaking her head slowly, she began to whisper, "I don't-"

     "I can teach you how to use it," Luke told her quickly, cutting off whatever she had been about to say. "You're force sensitive but you don't have much practice controlling it. I could help you hone it. It's great help when using these." His hand wrapped around hers, helping her grip the blade. His thumb pressed down on the switch, and it hummed to life. "You'll be a marvel wielding this, Mara Jade," he told her softly. Their eyes locked onto the bright blue light as he tilted her hand back and forth. Slowly, she adjusted to the feeling; it felt nice holding onto such a weapon.

     "If the emperor wanted me to have one, he would give me one himself." As much as she regretted to do so, she flipped the switch herself and the light vanished, leaving the room seeming eerily dark.

     "Vader told me to do with this what I'd like," Luke countered. His hand left hers, leaving her to hold the blade on her own, refusing to take it back. "And I'd like you to have it."

     "I guess learning to fight with one of these won't be too bad." Mara had a feeling that she really shouldn't accept the gift but it was too tempting. Smiling, she swiped her fingers down the handle, feeling all the grooves and curves.

     "No, not too bad," Luke replied, and she could hear the grin in his voice. Turning serious, she looked up at him, wondering why he would even give his old blade to her. It didn't take much searching to find out.

     "A lightsaber isn't going to save me from poison, Luke." His expression turned dark, and she ran a comforting hand up his back. Still gripping the lightsaber, she leaned in and kissed him.

     . . .

     Luke and Mara circled each other, both smiling and ready to pounce. Luke's muscles screamed at him to go faster, to strike. But he held back, reserved and waiting. It didn't take long before Mara finally broke; she lunged towards him, a bit sloppy as she was still adjusting to her new weapon.

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