chapter IX

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     "Mara Jade!" The voice that called out her name momentarily surprised her. She had been walking down a previously quiet hall, alone with her thoughts. As usual, they had been centered around Palpatine and his future plans for Skywalker. Annoying as it was, she couldn't help but wonder about Luke's training or how well he might be progressing.

     She was quickly brought back to reality but nobody could have seen the surprise she felt. As she turned to face the owner of the voice, Mara collected herself and fixed her facial expression. Looking coolly at the women before her, she tried to analyze her as best she could.

     She stood quite taller than Mara but was in no way intimidating. Her body language was open and her smile warm. She dressed conservatively, with blonde hair pulled back neatly from her pale face.  Mara was beginning to feel at ease with the girl when she quickly stepped closer. Mara leaned back as the stranger gushed, "It's an honor to meet you!"

     "I... I'm sorry?" While it was flattering that a person would be so excited to meet Mara, it was also a bit unnerving. What could she have done to enthuse the person that stood before her so much? While she held a certain amount of authority on the Death Star, many people still didn't understand what purpose she served. At least, not the true purpose.

     The girl's enthusiasm began to ebb a little at Mara's lack of mutual excitement. She appeared to grow more reluctant and her light blue eyes glanced at the floor; Mara briefly thought of how they resembled Luke's eyes. She brushed away the thought of him as the girl in front of her asked, "You helped develop the horizontal stabilizers on the TIE fighters, correct?"

     Mara blinked as her curiosity began to grow. "Well, yes-"

     "My father was head of manufacturing," the girl said in a rush. She crushed a piece of paper in her hands, locking her fingers around the secret message she had momentarily forgotten about. "I've heard so much about you," she warmly admitted. "He really admired your ability and creativeness on the project. I'm Juno Luck."

     At the sound of her surname, Mara suddenly realized who the girl must be. "I'm very pleased to hear it," she told Juno. "I was a bit of a fish out of water in the area and your father taught me a lot. I have great respect for him."

     Juno's face lit up at Mara's words; her broad smile showed off a set of perfectly straight teeth. "That's wonderful to hear. I'm sorry for rambling; I've been sent to give you this." She thrust out her hand, offering over the wrinkled parchment. Mara gingerly took it from her.

     "Thank you, Juno." Mara looked at the paper in confusion and back up at Juno's pleased face. Why was the girl carrying messages to her? The emperor often found discreet people to pass sensitive notes to her; she could only trust that this was all in his hands. Mara and Juno parted ways and Mara looked around to make sure she was alone before opening up the crushed note.

     . . .

     She didn't hear from Luke until that afternoon, when she was elbow deep in garments. With great annoyance, she spent her time searching for a dress to wear. Looks were apparently very important while at galas or balls.

     Just as she began to inspect an emerald green gown, his voice breezed through her thoughts, surprising her. She wondered how long it would take to get used to the bond. It was still such a strange, foreign sensation to her, to have her mind melded to another.

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