chapter XIII

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     Mara had been given a task and, as always, she saw it through. She would make sure that Luke accomplished his mission, with minimal hiccups. Observing the unfamiliar room, she tried to learn anything she could of Luke's target. He was a general of some sort, she presumed. Incredibly tidy and boring.

     The time was drawing near, she could sense it. Luke's agitation bled through their bond; Mara didn't try to offer any comfort. This was his test; he would have to perform it as if he were truly on his own (which would be easy for him considering he didn't know of Mara's involvement).

     When the sound of footsteps could be heard coming from the hall, Mara slipped into the cupboard. It was ridiculous, she knew that, but she had to see how Luke did. Ever since their force bond, she had been practicing at barring her mind, hiding it. And Luke had recently begun to help her with it as well; her strength in the force was growing and now she would have a little test of her own. Hide from Luke. Don't let him sense you.

     From the little crack that she was able to peer out of, she watched as a man walked through the door. She couldn't see much but the figure was too stocky to be Luke's; this man would be his target. God knows what he did to deserve being assassinated; Mara's had to take out all sorts in her time as the emperor's hand.

     It was too quiet in the cupboard. Mara could hear her shallow breaths and the longer she waited, the more strained her body grew. But she didn't withstand years of training to be broken by crouching in a cupboard. Besides, she didn't have to wait much longer. Luke was on his way.

     Her mind was completely isolated, cut off from any other, when Luke slipped through the door. Mara's breath caught in her throat; the target hadn't even taken notice of the sith in training, he was simply pouring himself a drink.

     It was all very anticlimactic and quick. A blaster was drawn at a turned back and it was over, just like that. Luke's shoulders visibly sagged, his back still turned to Mara. She was so confidant in her newfound force abilities, she wondered what could have given her away. Perhaps her strong relief at Luke's smooth execution.

     "You can come out now, Mara," he said, his voice surprisingly calm.

     She stepped out of the wardrobe without complaint. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she finally stretched out her muscles. "Nice job," she replied with a roll of her shoulders.

     "Why are you here?" He turned to her, his face set like stone, his eyes accusatory. Mara tried to brush her hurt feelings off; she could understand why he wouldn't want to particularly see her in that moment. He had just killed a man against his will to protect her. And now he was finding out that she was sent to babysit him (obviously there was no way she could avoid telling him that bit of information).

     "I came just in case you needed me." That was safe enough. The meaning was clear but perhaps not as blunt as it could have been; it didn't seem to matter to Luke. His face darkened all the same.

     "You didn't think I could do it." He looked down at the fallen body at his feet, avoiding Mara's gaze. She was observing him a bit too closely; she noticed his ashen pallor and his hand shook at his side. His other hand still tightly gripped the blaster.

     "You look a bit shaken up, Luke," she softly admitted.

     "I'm fine." But his stomach churned at the sight of the man he had just murdered not moments before. Now he was just having casual conversation over him. It felt as if the breath had been knocked from his chest but Mara tried to believe he spoke the truth.

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