chapter X

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     By the time help had arrived, the girl had long since stilled. As the color drained from her face, Mara stood staring, trying to make sense of what was happening. She didn't wait to be guided out of the room along with the rest of the crowd; as the murmurs and hushed voices grew louder, she made her way towards the nearest exit. Nobody noticed, or so she thought. But then she felt him reaching out for her.

     What do you want? She tried to put as much apathy in the thought, tried to push him away. But Skywalker was resilient. His concern bled through their link, making Mara's heart ache. It was appalling.

     Where are you going?

     Leave me alone. She never looked back as she left the room. She couldn't let him hope to comfort her. She was on a mission and nothing would get in her way. Finding out what had just happened was now on the top of her to do list, and she could only guess that the note was her only lead.

     She hadn't told anyone about the message that Juno had passed along to her when they first met. Mara wasn't even sure who it was from. Her first thought had been that it might be from the Emperor, as usual. But no, it was too cryptic even for him. Then she thought it might be from Juno. But there was no way it could be her.

     'Meet me in the observatory, after the ball'

     The note was short and simple and hidden on Mara Jade's person. She'd read it a hundred times, it seemed. The few words were enough to tell Mara that it wasn't Juno. The girl's rank wasn't nearly high enough to enter such a place. Even her father couldn't pull such strings. But who could? That was the question.

     . . .

     The observatory was dark and quiet, the only sound that of Mara's soft breathing. Standing poised, her eyes drifted up to look at the large telescope, aimed upwards, towards the vast void of space. For now, it seemed as if she were alone with the stars.

     While they were beautiful, they weren't very good company. Carefully, she began to walk around the room, the sound of her feet hitting the grating beneath her echoing off the walls. With each step, she carefully observed her surroundings, expecting a surprise any second. But there was no one.

     Then there was the sound of muffled shouting, coming from the entrance she had just walked through. The voice was deep and carried a sense of urgency.

     "Mara!" She could hear him shout. "Mara, they won't let me in!" With much annoyance, she realized to whom the voice belonged. Of course it was Skywalker. Her shoulders sagged, and she let out a sigh of relief even as anger seemed to build in her chest. She ignored the voice and placed her hand on the nearest railing. With another deep sigh, she let her head fall forward.

     So it was Luke who had wanted to meet her here. Not some deranged murderer after all. It had to have been a coincidence, all of it. The girl was simply ill, not poisoned.

     As she tried to put her thoughts in order, the door burst open behind her and Skywalker came running through.

     "How did you ever get in?" She asked, still staring at her hands gripping the rail.

     "I incapacitated the guards." Mara couldn't help but appreciate his blunt answer. She allowed her lips to pull back into a small before she turned around.

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