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Kath likes to go to travel agencies. Not to book trips. Not to purchase one-way tickets. But to steal the brochures.

No, as she always told herself, it's not stealing when it's free. It's not stealing when they put it right there so that people can easily take it. In fact, isn't that the purpose of brochures being printed? so that people can look at them, and be interested, and book trips. At that last 2 words, she found herself guilty.

It's not that Katherine Avery doesn't like to travel. But she doesn't have that kind of money. To be honest, she'd never had that kind of money. Especially now that she...

"Miss. ?" A voice interrupted her thought. Kath blink and suddenly she remembers where she is. She's at Hermes. No, not 'Hermes' like the fashion brand. But Hermes Travel, the agency located 2 blocks from her place. Hermes. Named after the greek god of travellers.

"Are you alright ?" That voice. Again. Kath blink again.

Kath lift her head and suddenly realized that she is standing right in front of the brochures and pamflet area. She was daydreaming again, must be longer than she thought.
Hurriedly, Kath shove some brochures inside her bag, but she was careful not to damage the pages; especially the thick-papered ones. She took a step back, now looking at the receptionist desk area and saw a blonde woman smiling at her.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I was just miles away."

The woman tried to hide a grin, which Kath personally think as scary, but she will never tell. The woman is beautiful; blonde hair, blue eyes. but Kath found it scary that a stranger would smile at her. "That happened a few times around here. Can I help you with anything ?"

"Um, actually..no. At least, not yet. Not now. Actually I'm just gonna go. Meet a friend. For lunch." Kath tried to be polite but even as she said it, she realized that she is being awkward; pausing with an 'umm' every few words.

After seeing that Kath hadn't even move an inch after a few minutes, the woman realized that Kath is actually asking permission to leave. She surpress a smile."Okay, then. Have a nice day, Miss."

Kath nodded and quickly walk out of Hermes. Before losing all of her cool.

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