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Kath sighed.

She is sitting cross-legged on the floor of her bedroom, eating instant noodle. She glance around the room, suddenly feeling aware. Aware that she is alone. And that fact make her feeling comfortable
 and pathetic at the same time.

Yes, Kath lied to the woman. She doesn't have anywhere to go since it's her day off. She doesn't even have any real friends to have lunch with. Sure, she had plenty of it. And by 'it', she means 'friends'. She have no idea why but she never felt 100% comfortable with the word 'friends'. Kath liked being alone.

After throwing the instant noodle empty packaging into the trash bin, Kath get up and open her desk drawer. There, she finds a cutter and a 30cm-long metal ruler. She took out the brochures from her bag, and start to cut them into rectangulars; until there were none left, and then she put the rectangulars into her desk drawer, along with her cutter and ruler.

She was making bookmarks.

God knows how expensive those adorable little bookmarks that they sell at stores. Of course, Kath is not that poor. But why spend so much many on bookmarks when you can get them for free?

Most of travel agencies' brochures were made of nice, thick papers. All Kath had to do was to slices them into bookmark-shaped rectangulars.

One thing she know for sure was that she likes reading books. Kath can deeply relate herself into what John Green wrote in Abundance of Katherines about Colin Singleton: He liked the mere act of reading, the magic of turning scratches on a page into words inside his head. At that sentence, Kath fell in love with Colin Singleton.

But the bookmark thing was new to Kath. Normally, she will almost automatically dog-ear her books.
And then hate herself for having done it. And that is the cause of her trips to travel agencies for these few months. Kath wanted to feel that she should use those bookmarks since she practically make them herself.

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