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James proposed. It's been hours since Rachel went home. But Colin's mind seemed to stop working since Rachel show him the ring and announce their engagement.

James Wellington The Third. That's him. You can tell that he came from old-money family just by the name.

He was a bully. No, he was something worse. He was Colin's friend. And then he became Colin's bully.

James and Colin once belong in the same group of  friends, along with many other kids of wealthy parents. Colin's own parents were doing pretty great, but if he ever try to compare himself to his rich friends, he'd realized that it's a useless thing to do. It's like comparing a clown fish to a dolphin.

And then came Rachel Gray on fourth grade. The sudden awareness that she exist after her family moved into their neighborhood kind of ruin Colin's position in their groups.

In elementary school, if you like a girl, you pick on her a lot. And that was the case with James. He like Rachel a lot, ever since he first saw her. So he'd do anything to get her attention. Unfortunately, not always in a nice way. And guess who ends up defending Rachel Gray ? Colin.
And as James and his old friends started to mock and pick on Him too, guess who defends Colin back ? Rachel Gray.

Those spoiled rich boys skip some year of high school, attends different prep schools and ivy-league colleges; grew apart from each other. And Colin and Rachel ? As time fly, they became inseparable.

But then, a little more than 3 years ago, James Wellington The Third reenter their life when Rachel met him at a bar.

Now the older, even richer, mature-rer, and ideal-er version of James proposed to Colin's best friend. And somehow that idea make Colin feeling blue.

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