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It's been three months since Kath first met Lincoln. They still hadn't progressed much; but as Kath started to trust Lincoln and beginning to open up to him, they sort of develop a new routine together.

They would only met 5 days a week, as Lincoln spent the weekends at his grandparent's in Hertfordshire. While Kath would use those her Lincoln-less weekends to curl herself up in a blanket , read books, and drink cups of tea.

Lincoln would pick her up to walk her to the library and show up back there at 5 PM to take her home. They would had dinners together, and then Lincoln would be off for work.
On Mondays and Fridays, they will also had breakfast together. At 8.10 AM. At that McDonald where they first met.

Kath knew Lincoln tried so hard in setting his hours to match her routines. She is beginning to feel guilty. But Kath only knew how to do her routines. Honestly she didn't knew any other way.
At 22, Kath has never dated before, at least not with a real man. She always had been too busy having on-again-off-again relationships with fictional characters from the book she currently read.
In her deffence, Kath know she had never asked Lincoln to hangout with her.

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