Chapter 9- Where Am I

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A/N this entire chapter is Madi's POV

I woke up with blurry vision. The last thing I remember is leaving the house at 3am to get tampons from the gas station down the road, so where am I?

"HELLO?" I yelled.

"O good morning gorgeous." Justin fucking Bieber said.


"Because why not?"

"Where am I?"

"My house. Where else would you be?"

"Did I ever get tampons? I need to go to the bathroom."

"Too bad. You can until 12 and it's 11:37."

"Fuck you."

"No need to be hostile, sweetie. Would you like something to eat or drink?"

"No... I would like to know where the fuck I am bitch."

"Someone special sent me to try to find you last night. They wanted to meet you."


"Me." Jack Jawline Gilinsky walked out of the black abyss.

"O my fucking god. Why would Jack Gilinsky want to fdvhhdfjkhgliusktdurfntbset..."

" Want to what?"

"Me- Meet me..?

"Because 1) I kind of... um like you and 2) Someone wanted me to find you so you could tell him wear Gracie was... So Madi, may I present to you Nate "Skate" Maloley.

"Woah düd... Skate likes Gracie? Holy fuck. Well that was unexpected."

"Don't fucking tell her Madison." Skate whispered from over my right shoulder.

"I.. I um won't. So what do you need me for?"

"We need you to make sure she doesn't leave Los Angeles, and that you keep in contact with us so I can maybe meet her." Skate informed me clearly high as fuck.

"O okay. Well can I go see my friends and tell them that I'm not fucking dead! I promise that I'll text you to tell you where she is and shit. Please?" I pleaded.

"Fine here's our numbers. Text us. You may leave now. Gilinsky walk her out." Skate handed me a small folded price of paper and Jack grabbed my arm motioning me to walk with him.  

*Walks out w/ Gilinsky*

"Hey, Madi I was wondering... if maybe you wanted to grab a bite to eat sometime?" Jack asked sounding super cute.

"Ummm I'll get back to you. Just let me go back to my friends."

1 Hour Later//12:42

Finally I see the O2L house with cops lining the streets. What the hell is going on?

As I go to knock, Ricky opens the door.

"Madi! Are you okay? Where have you been? Why weren't you answering your phone?"

"Ricky, chill. I'm fine, I'll tell you what happened in a little bit but first I need to see Gracie." 

"Okay she's inside, do you want me to tell her to come out?" 

"Yes please!"

10 Minutes Later//12:56

"Madi! Are you okay? I've been worried sick!" Gracie said practically in tears when she saw me.

"Yes, Gracie. I'm fine. I need to talk to you, walk with me?"

"Okay," she replied as we started walking down the street, "so what'd you need to talk to me about?"

"O well, last night I left the house to go get tampons from the gas station down the road. When I did I was knocked out and kidnapped. So I was waken up in the basement of Justin Bieber's hiuse and when I asked why I was there Gilinsky wallked out of nowhere and said it was because he liked me, but mostly because Skate likes you. So they made me promise that I would make sure that you didn't leave LA so Skate can meet you."

"Madi, that might be an issue me and Sammy are going back to Mass in 3 days to see my family. Just me and Sammy no one else, because something happened and I need to see them. Please don't tell anyone."

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