Chapter 6-Truth be Told

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Gracie's POV

I needed to talk to someone... badly. The only person who seems like their feeling the same as me right now is Madi, of course lol.

"Gracie? What the hell is the matter?" Madi whisper/yelled to me once we were in the bathroom.

"Really? You don't know?" I quietly said back. Madi knows I have really bad anxiety and to day it's worse than usual.

"O... Now I know. Are you okay?"


"Just do what your heart is telling you. Everything will be okay, I promise."

I didn't want to go back to where everyone was. Instead, Madi and I waited backstage as the current panel finished.

20 Minutes Later

"Up next, Jazzy, Emmy, Katie, Gracie, and Madi, from It's... My... Life!

Madi's POV

I looked over at Gracie as the color washed from her face. She was white... Completely white.

"Common Gracie... We have to do this."

"I... Uh I know... Okay let's go." She said petrified.

As I ran onto the stage I yelled "HEY GUYS!!! THIS IS OUR FIRST SHOW TYPE OF THING SO IF IT SUCKS... Well sorry."

"Calm your tits Madi!" Katie whispered forgetting about the mic strapped to her face.

"KATIE YOUR MIC YOU IDIOT!" Emmy yelled at her.


"Katay is a stupid slut guys..." Gracie said clearly joking, "I hope you guys know I'm joking."

"Guys lets actually do shit now." I said obviously annoyed.

"Yah." Jazzy agreed

"So we're going to do some confessions." Emmy announced.

"Okay, how this is gonna work is you guys are gonna ask us things and we have to confess or tell the truth." Gracie explained "Alright, y'all ready? Let's start!"

Katie's POV

We went through about 20 questions before we go to the one we all dreaded... Kian asked us who our crushes were.

"O... um... Trevor Moran," I quietly said.

"CONNOR FRANTA!" Emmy said slightly excited.

"Obviously Ricky Dillion." Jazzy said somewhat shyly.

"I guess I should confess too... Kian Lawley..." Madi said.

"Grasay... You're the only one who hasn't confessed yet." I said to her.


At this point Gracie ran off stage, Sam ran after her but no one else did... ¿Okay?

Sam's POV

Gracie ran off stage... I know she has anxiety, that's why we're such good friends.

"Gracie! Gracie, where are you? G common is Sammy." I was now standing in the lobby of the hotel and I could hear soft sobs coming from the corner. "Gracie! Hey it's Sammy!"

"Sammy... I... I don't know... h-how to... To uh... Confess to that..." She quietly said in between sobs. "I thought I knew who I liked but now I'm not sure. Please help me."

"Hey, hey, hey... Stop crying boo, you're alright, I gotchu." Suddenly she broke out into a full on anxiety attack. Fuck not here, she was hyperventilating and I knew if she didn't stop soon she would black out. JC ran around the corner but I told him to go back to the panel, the last thing Gracie needed right now was to have lots of people around her. "Gracie breath slower or you're gonna black out. Through your mouth babe. Slow, slow."

"Sammy," she cried, "I fucked it up... I fucked up the panel. Ruined it."

"No you didn't. I'm sure the fans will understand, there's no need to freak out, everything will be okay."

10 Minutes Later

Gracie finally calmed down but their panel was over. "Do you wanna go find the others now, love?" I knew she loved it when I called her cute little names. It was kinda our thing...

"No... I... Uh... I sorta just want to talk to you alone if that's okay..?" She answered in more of a question than an answer.

"Okay. We can do that. Let's go find a quiet empty room."

"Okay, thank you SamPo." God, she was friggin adorable.

Gracie's POV

Sam and I talked for almost 2 hours, while our phones were being blown up with texts. "Hey Sammy, can I make my confession to you..?"

"Of course, princess."

"I... I like you Sammy. I have for a while and I know that JC likes me, Kian told me, so I don't want to hit his feelings. I just... I wanna be with you boo, even if that means being hurt. I just wanna be with you s-" his lips met mine and he caressed my cheek gently. We sat like that for a minute until he slowly pulled away.

"I like you too Gracie. I actually think I might even love you and I wanna be with you too. O and VidCon ends in an hour, so if you wanna party I suggest we get going."

"LETS DO THIS THING! HAND-IN-HAND BITCH!" I whisper/shouted to my SamPo.

(A/N There you go I updated. Hope you're happy daughter! Love y'all!😘💕)

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