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"Bluerghh!" Clara jumped out at The Doctor as he opened the TARDIS door. She was wearing a purple cape and a black dress, with her makeup dark and heavy, and a pair of fangs on show in her mouth with red liquid dripping down from each corner of her lower lips.
"Nice to see you've had a wash today, dear." The Doctor smirked, stepping out and closing the door behind him.
"Hey!" Clara exclaimed, taking the fangs out and putting her hands on her hips.
"Trust me, Clara, that's not what real vampires look like. Or act like, for that matter. She wanted to breed with me!"
"Never mind." He went through to Clara's living room and she followed after him. Her living room was a little made up, with cotton spider webs put up all around the room. "Well, you've certainly made an effort."
"Yes, I have!" Clara switched the lights off and lit a candle on the coffee table. "I thought we could watch a film." She went over to the DVD player, kneeling down to set it up. The Doctor examined the bowl of sweets on the table, picking up something circular shaped and covered in cheaply decorated tin foil.
"Are these chocolate eyeballs?" He frowned.
"Yep, and you're gonna eat them with me whether you like it or not." Clara smiled, sitting on the sofa and patting the spot next to her. The Doctor smiled and took up the empty space, putting his arm around her as the movie started.

By an hour or so into the movie, The Doctor was shaking an holding Clara close to him, tightly tucking her into his chest. An intense moment was taking place during the movie;
The girl alone in the hospital morgue, the silence filled by footsteps outside. Camera shot on the window...
A hand covered in blood pressed against it.
Then there was a knock on the door.
"Ahhhhhh!" The Doctor jumped up, all the chocolate eyeballs rolling onto the floor at the sudden jolt of his body. Clara laughed and gently moved his arms from around her. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl of sweets.
"Time Lord can handle real life vampires, but not kids asking for sweets?" She gave him a cheeky smile and a wink. The Doctor smiled sheepishly, running a hand through his hair.
"C'mon, you." She held a hand out to him. "You can scare this lot off with your eyebrows."

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