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It had started. Bill was frantic, confused. She didn't understand why The Doctor was glowing. He wanted to comfort her, but there was only one person he could think of right now. No, he told himself to put her out of his head. Bill needed him right now.
"Bill..." he panted. "Thank you." The Doctor said with a smile.
"Thanks? Thanks for what? Doctor, what's happening to you?" Bill looked at him with worried eyes.
"Ugh, I'm so fed up of telling people this." He rolled his eyes. This grumpster wasn't going anywhere just yet. "I'm going to change... Same man, different face. Personality and all that. I hope the eyebrows are better."
"But I don't want you to change!" Bill reached out to him. He closed his eyes.
Please don't change
"Clara!" The Doctor groaned, moving away from Bill so she wouldn't get hurt. He could feel it. It was coming, any second now. Maybe... maybe the next one would remember her. He closed his eyes and whispered her name once more. It was all he could do, but oh how he wanted to call out to her.
"Clara... My Clara."
And then he was gone.

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