Alternate universe

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"Where do you want to go?" The Doctor asked, circling the TARDIS console.
"Well..." Clara slowly followed him, pulling levers as she went along. "You've told me about parallel universes, but I've always wondered about alternative universes. Is there a difference?"
"Of sorts. Parallel universes are far more difficult to get to without ripping a hole in the whole of time and space, and people are exactly the same except slightly better off. In alternate universes, things are very different. You- Clara Oswald- couldn't be called Clara Oswald for all we know. You could be a lifeguard called Daisy."
"So... Seen as odds of bumping into each other are low, and even if we did we'd be more like a doppelgänger than the same person, can we? Please can we go? Pleeeease?"
"Clara, what are you expecting to be different?"
"I don't know, backwards mirrors?"
"And that's what excites you, is it? The thought of backwards mirrors?"
Clara sighed at his stubbornness and sat on the jump seat in defeat.
"I just thought it could be fun, but you know what, it's fine."
"No, really! It's fine."
The Doctor frowned, flying silently for a moment before going to Clara, kneeling before her. "Cardiff Bay. 2015." He held out a hand to her. "Alternate universe."
Clara smiled small and took his hand, and the two of them stood together. The Doctor led her out. They had landed in Ed's Easy Diner. There were cameras everywhere, and the diner was filled with the noises of crowds outside. The Doctor frowned intensely, putting on the sonic sunglasses. "I've been here before."
"Peter, Jenna!" A crew member dressed in all black approached them. "What are you doing out of costume? Can someone move the TARDIS please?" He called over his shoulder before turning to face them. "We need you in costume now. Right, in fact, take a break so they can do some adjustments. Go see the fans. Jenna, you look great today." He smiled at Clara. "Go, go!" He moved them both outside.
"Oh my stars." Clara said. They were surrounded by hundreds of screaming teenagers and their parents, all behind metal gates. "Uh... Doctor." Clara said.
"Doctor Who!" A member from the crowd added. They were suddenly hit by swarms of camera flashes and people begging them to come over for photos.
"This way." The Doctor said quietly, taking Clara's hand and leading her past the gates, through to an alleyway. It led to open greenery with marquees; full of food and costumes for the cast. The marquees were covered in banners for something called "Doctor Who," which included a logo and a photo of The Doctor and Clara running and holding hands.
"That's... Us." Clara held his hand tighter.
"This was a bad idea." The Doctor said. Then, out of one of the marquees, came two people who resembled The Doctor and Clara exactly. The girl was in a blue diner waitress outfit, and the man was wearing one of The Doctor's suits, making him scowl. "I like that one." He said quietly.
"They're going to see us!" Clara exclaimed, pulling The Doctor in the direction of some hedges. Before they could make their way there, they were stopped by their twins.
"Oh my god!" The girl laughed, nudging the man's side. The Doctor looked him up and down. "This must be the best cosplay ever."
"That takes dedication." The man said. The couples stared at each other.
"Cosplay?" The Doctor asked.
"And you've mastered the accent too!" The girl exclaimed.
"No, that's how I speak."
"Of course." She winked, making him blush slightly. "Jenna Coleman." She held out a hand, which The Doctor shook. "And of course, the great, Peter Capaldi!" Peter nodded to them both. Clara was still in awe.
"How did you two get back here?" Jenna asked.
"We're just..." Clara began.
"Stalkers." The Doctor nodded firmly. "Big, big fans."
"Well, we won't tell on you, but you should probably get out of here. Enjoy the series!" Jenna said.
"One question..." Clara said. "What exactly are you filming?"
"Clara's last scene." Jenna replied, frowning at Clara's likeness. Clara nodded, letting out a shaky breath. The Doctor stared at them before taking Clara away.
"That poster... Doctor, I've worn those clothes before." Clara said, tearing up. The Doctor kept looking ahead. "Am I going to die soon?" She asked. The Doctor stopped when they arrived outside the TARDIS.
"I hate how he forgets her." A crew member said. "But at least she gets a way to live on."
The Doctor grabbed Clara's hand and pulled her back inside.

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