Chapter 8: Meeting The Canadians

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Two blocks over from the house, in a large black van, the rest of the team sat waiting for Nova to report back to them with the results.

Phoenix frowned. "I can't hear anything from Nova anymore." She leaned over the glowing buttons on the control panel in front of her to see the security camera footage that they had tapped into. 

"They've got a pretty good system, I have to say," Adam admitted. "Maybe they figured out a way to block the system."

Leroy furrowed his eyebrows. "But how would they know how to do that?"

"Well, there's Google," Freya said teasingly. "You can practically find anything when you've got access to Google."

The doors of the van opened, and light poured into the van.

A pretty girl with long, shiny brown hair smirked. "I suppose you're the other agents."

They all froze.

"Do we attack?" Phoenix whispered.

"I would suggest you not," the girl said, one of her arched eyebrows rising. "After all, we're the ones that have your friend. What do you have?"

Pursing his lips, Brendan nodded. "Alright. What do you want?"

"For you to follow me. Saide has told us much about you, and my friends and I want to speak with you."

"Saide?" Freya asked, tipping her head to the side. "Who's that?"

The girl's other eyebrow joined its partner. "Um, your friend."

Phoenix shook her head. "That's Nova. We don't know anyone named Saide."

"Well, my friend Saige does. Now, come on. We shouldn't keep the others waiting. I'm Mira, by the way."

She briskly turned away and began to walk.

Adam whistled. "Well, they certainly have good genes here in Canada..."

Freya swatted his arm. "Oh, shush."

Leroy jumped out of the van. "We're going to lose her if we don't follow her now. Come on," he said, waving his arm in the direction Mira disappeared in.


Twenty minutes later, all ten of them sat in the living room of the house, all awkwardly separated.

"So, Saide--" began Saige.

"Nova," Freya interrupted. "She's been Nova ever since the fire, and she's Nova now. That's not going to change, even if she is your long-lost sister, you got it?"

Saige pursed her lips. "Yeah, whatever. Nova said that you guys are agents for some organization. What does this organization want with us?"

"Hold on," Leroy interrupted. "You drop this huge news on us, and you expect us to just... accept it? I mean, Nova having a sister is a pretty big deal. I mean, how could she not know?"

"How should I know? I thought my little sister was dead all this time. How could I possibly know how she doesn't remember me or our family?" Saige exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

Brendan leaned forward, cleared his throat. "Back to the topic, we work for an organization called SHIELD. We're one of their special-powered teams. After the fiasco with the police a few weeks ago, you came on SHIELD's radar, which is why we're here. We believe that with the right training, you guys could use your powers to help people, instead of staying in the shadows just trying to survive from day to day."

"And by training you mean..." Nyle asked, crossing his arms.

Freya smiled at him. "We mean lessons in how to utilize your powers and become stronger. Lessons on how to shoot a gun quickly and accurately. Lessons on how to analyze situations and make an adequate plan. Basically, we'd teach you how to be agents."

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