Chpt. 23

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Craig had dried and dressed us both. Even in present times he still doesn't really let me do anything for myself. It was annoying at first but in time I've gotten used to it.

I had stolen Craig's hat and stuck it on my head.

"Why are you so obsessed with wearing my hat?" Craig had asked nudging me with his shoulder slightly.

I had laughed leaning into him.

"N-no reason," I had said playfully goblin mg(this should actually say flicking but auto correct had other plans...and those plans apparently had goblins involved)the yellow poof ball.

"Be careful. It's old." Craig had said squeezing my hand gently.

"W-whatever," I had replied,"I-I'll just sew it back on like last time."

We both laughed at the memory. Clyde was on his period. Not literally. And got really mad. I think it was because we beat him at some video game. Maybe Mario Kart? Not the point. He ripped off the poof on Craig's hat. I had to sew it back. I stabbed myself so many times I had to wear a bandage to cover my entire hand for a month.

We had walked down the stairs still laughing.

"You guys tired yet?" Kenny had asked.

"No." I had stated glancing over at the clock.

I don't actually remember what time it had been. Just sometime after midnight.

"I was really asking Craig since you slept all day," Kenny had said laying down on the floor, "I'm going to sleep."

"Good luck with that Ken," Helean said waving her hand, "I'm gunna do something completely useless. In a non-sexual way."

Helean left the room.

"Hey Kenny, does she always specify that when she says 'do something'?" Wendy had asked laying down on the couch.

"Yes, because she usually means it as a sexual innuendo." Kenny had said flipping to lay on his face.

"YEAH!" Helean had yelled from the kitchen,"I USUALLY TALK ABOUT DOING HIM!"

She had laughed as she walked back into the room holding a cup of what I had assumed to be coffee. That had reminded me and I took a sip from my thermos.

"How much of that is actually coffee?" Wendy had asked.

"Uhhhhhh... 50%? Maybe?" Helean had replied as of she were asking a question, "Anyway do I have to tell you to at least ACT like you belong?"

I had chucked nervously pulling my hair.

"Don't do that." Craig had said removing my hand from my hair.

Craig and I had sat down in front of the couch w/(I'm gunna start writing with as w/ because that's how I write by hand and it's ALOT easier than to type out the word with) our backs leaning against it.

Helean had laid down next to Kenny and turned on the TV. She had turned on Terrance and Philip.

"UHHHHG!" Me, Craig, and Wendy groaned.

"What?" She asked turning around to look at us.

I had looked up at Craig just as he had rolled his eyes.

"I always liked Red Racer more." Craig had said.

"Red Racer was dumb." Kenny had mumbling laughing at the TV.

Wendy had smacked her head into one of the through pillows repeatedly.

I had just watched Kenny and Helean. They laughed along w/ the show. Quoting it. Even standing up every once and awhile to act out a skit alongside the characters.

"Are you doing alright?"Craig had asked letting my hand go in favor of snaking it around my waist.

"Y-yeah. You?" I had asked gently placing my hand against his cheek.

"I am happier than I've been almost my entire life." He had replied placing his fore-head(is that how you type it? or is it forehead? What ever, i don't care.) against mine.

"Why is that?" I asked looking into his sapphire eyes.

"Because you're finally mine."

Author's Note:

OMG I'M SOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SOONER! I haven't been in writer's block I've just been favoring pre hand writing a rough draft instead of writing on wattpad. Plus I can't use wattpad at school so favoring the hand written copy is a valid excuse. Probably. NOWNSP!


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