Chpt. 20

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"One last thing Craig," Kyle had said making Craig freeze,"Me and Helean have a little agreement riding and we want you to be part of it."

"The agreement is?" Craig had asked looking up at Kyle.

"If you agree not to touch or hurt Cartman and Kenny, we wont touch or hurt Tweek." Kyle had said hopping off Cartman's bed.

"What does 'touch or hurt' mean exactly?" Craig had asked running his fingers through my damp hair.

"Well, it covers most bullying and harassment," Helean had explained scratching her head slightly, "It doesn't cover things like 'Kenny's so poor' jokes or fatass jokes. In Meaning of Tweek we could still call him Twitch as a joke, but couldn't get up in his face about it."

Craig had sat there thinking about it. His eyebrows had furrowed and he looked down at me. I smiled reassuringly and snuggled into his chest.

"What if Cartman starts seriously bullying Tweek?" Craig had asked rubbing circles on my back.

"Then the deal is off and you can do as you please," Kyle said with a deadpan expression, "But, if you hurt either Cartman or Kenny we will kill you."

"Good to know," Craig had said, "Deal."

I had felt him stick out his hand out and Helean or Kyle shook it. I wasn't facing that way. Craig is currently informing me he shook Kyle's hand. It really wasn't that important.

We had left the bed room and walked down stairs. Okay, I was carried, bridal style, by Craig, duh.

We joined Stan, Cartman, and Kenny in the kitchen.

We had entered and their conversation died. The whole room fell completely silent. Craig's grip on me had tightened.

"So... can we talk to Tweek?" Stan had asked uneasily.

Craig had nodded hopping up on the counter. He had set me down on the counter between his legs.

"One rule though," Craig had added as an after though,"Only I can touch him."

To prove his point he bit down on the bruise on my neck harder than he ever had before. Tears had fallen from my eyes and my breathing got ragged. 

His hand had slipped under my shirt. Then into my pants. He quit biting by neck and just licked it. I had recovered a bit and grabbed his hand that way slowly going farther and farther south.

"C-Craig. Stop." I moaned out.

He had replied by biting down on my neck again. Any resolve I had had to stop him ran away. His hand had traveled all the way into my underwear. I covered my mouth with my hand but Craig removed it.

"I want them to hear you." Craig had whispered into my ear.

He had fucked me. Yup. Directly in front of everyone. They mostly ignored us though and continued talking. I had attempted to cover my mouth several times but every time Craig removed my hand ramming into me extra hard as punishment.

Afterward he had pulled out and fixed our pants back up properly on our hips. He had turned me around so I was facing him. I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my head on his shoulders shutting my eyes. Listening to the small conversation I had quickly fallen asleep.

I woke up to Craig and Kyle arguing about something.

"Whatever," Craig had said,"So long as he still loves me I don't care."

"This isn't love Craig, this is sick!" Kyle had yelled.

I flinched at the loud noise.

"Great Kyle, you woke him up," Craig said running his fingers through my hair,"It's okay Tweek. Go back to sleep."

I had stolen his hat and put it on my head.

"Hey!" He laughed smiling brightly.

I kissed his cheek lightly.

"I l-love you." I had said nestling my newly hatted head in the crook of Craig's neck.

Author's Note:

Okay... that was bad... I'll try and fix the issues... NOWNSP? Does this even count as South Park now? I mean the characters are so different than in the show. By that I mean half the cast is insane and the other half is headed that way.


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