Chpt. 13

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Me and Craig had gone back up to the attic and packed up all of our stuff.

We left the house through the backdoor. We decided hopping backyards would be easier than running down the street. Honestly it was. We even ran past Cartman holding a teaparty with his new stuffed animals he got last year. Since all his old ones were murdered.

Once we got to Stark's Pond we sat down on a bench. Nobody really hangs out at Stark's Pond except the people in our grade.

We sat there for awhile, holding hands until Helean grabbed my shoulders from behind. I had screem lashing out at her. Then apologizing aafter realizing it was her. Her and Craig had just laughed.

"So," she had said sitting down next too me, "I was thinking you could come with me and Kenny to Cartman's house." "Wait. What?!" Craig had said, eyes widening. "N-no w-way man! W-we can't g-go to GAH! Cartman's! H-he'll turn us i-in to th-the police!" I had said shacking my head rapidly.

"That's why I said with me and Kenny. Look, Cartman is having a sleep over with me, Kenny, Kyle, and Stan. I asked him if anyone else could come. He said, 'Sure... just don't bring any girls.' I'm highly certain you two aren't girls." Helean had said.

"Nonononononononononono." I had said all in one breathe. "It's the best shot you guys have at getting the rest of the school to trust you. They'll spred whatever story you guys spin them through the school. Fast." Helan had replied looking Craig in the eye.

I had turned to look at Craig too. He just looked lost in thought. "Okay, but you must call them before we show up so they're expecting us." Craig had said. He had squeezed my hand.

"Deal." Helean said taking out her cell phone. She had tapped a few buttons and put it up to her ear.

"Hey Cartman!" She had said cheerily. There was a pause then she had said, "Look I don't have time for your bull shit. I'm calling to tell you I'll be bring Tweek and Craig-" She got cut off by a yelling voice from her phone. "SHUT-UP!" she had yelled back, "It's not their fault. Plus you're a murderer, why should you care if I let them into your house?"

There was a pause, no voice came out of her phone. "See, told you so. " She had said, "I'm telling you that I'm bringing them with me. You told me I couldn't bring any girls. You didn't say anything about fugitives." She had then hung up the phone and smiled at us.

"That went better than planned." She had laughed, "You guys ready to go, or you want another minute?" She had stood up and stretched. "We're ready to leave." Craig replied standing up, he pulled me up off the bench. I had tripped and fell onto him blushing.

He had chuckled, probably seeing the red tint on my ears.

"Alright," Helean had said, clapping her hands, "Onward to VICTORY!" 

She started walking with one arm raised leading us to Cartman's house. "W-wait. Wont p-people reconise GAH! us j-just walking d-down the street?" I had said concerned. She had stopped dead in her tracks. "Hmmmm. Your right." SHe had replied.

She took off her teal parka and threw it to me. I had barely managed to catch it. "Put it on," She had said, "And Craig, take your hat off and keep your head down. People will assume you're Stan."

"Okay." Craig had said. We had then started our trek to Cartman's house.

Author's Note:

BOOM! NO OWN SP! So, this is the second chapter I finished today. Third if you count the one I stayed up all night to complete. Yay?


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