Chpt. 27

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"So," Helean had said walking into the room,"What's the plan? We should leave today."

"Haven't thought about it... " Craig had replied resting his nose on top of my head.

"You could go to Canada." Kenny had suggested,"Get fake IDs."

"That wouldn't work Ken. They are way to obvious." Helean had said,"You could get a tent and be homeless."

"I actually sorta like that idea." I had said,"We could go live out by that creek in the forest."

"True, the water is clean, we used to drink it all the time." Craig had said laughing.

"Back in our Stick of Truth days!" I had laughed.

"Yeah, okay. But be careful." Helean had said.

"Why? We can fend off the wolves, just like we used to." I had laughed remembering how even the wildlife was okay w/ turn based combat.

"Yeah, but when you enter the forest be sure not to go right, then up, then right, then down, then right again. Got it? Never, ever, ever do that. Well, unless you want raped and murdered extremely brutally by those Christmas animals Cartman made up for that Christmas story that one time." Kenny had said.

"Aren't they not real?" Craig had asked sceptically.

"They escaped imagination land. They're even friends of mine and Kenny's on Facebook." Helean had said.

"Imagination Land?" Craig had asked.

"Yeah, remember Project Imagination Doorway? They talked about it on the news... the who thing where Kyle had to suck Cartman's balls." Kenny had said,"I only went once, I never returned. Thought it was all a dream till I saw it on the news."

"Season 11, episode 10, 11, and 12." I had mumbled.

"Did you say something Tweek?" Craig had asked.

"No, sorry." I had replied. I had had a sneaking suspicion that I shouldn't tell them what I said, whatever it had meant.

"So it's decided. Me and Tweek will go to the forest for awhile." Craig had said.

"So, I'll get my tent, then we can walk you there." Helean had said,"But those Christmas Critters are a serious threat. Don't take it lightly."

We had said our goodbyes to Wendy and left for Kenny's house.

"I'll be right back." Helean had said once we reached Kenny's house.

She had ran in and within a few minutes she had returned holding the tent bag and one other bag.

"You can share a sleeping bag right?" Helean had asked.

"Yeah." Craig replied.

"Good, then lets go." Kenny had said.

We walked straight into the forest. We went up until we hit the creek.

"We'll bring you food every few days. If you go down enough you will hit that cattle farm." Kenny had said.

"Thanks man." I had said.

They start to leave, but Helean runs back,"Here." She had said handing Craig a walkie talkie,"If you have any issues, any at all, use this. I'm mostly just worried 'bout the Christmas critters."

"We'll be fine. Thanks for the walkie talkie though." Craig had said.

"Yeah, u'course you will." Helean had said running back to Kenny.

Author's Note:

Hi! I'm back! Okay, I never really left, I just hadn't been writing for awhile... awkward... NOWNSP! Anyways... I'm kinda beat on how to draw out the next three chapters... I already know the ending and have it entirely planned but I don't know how to get to chapter 30... oh well... if you have any ideas please leave them in the comments I would love to hear them.


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