Chapter 3:

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Katherine's POV
"Woah!" Minho says, backing up into me and pushing me behind him.
"Oh hey Katherine can you give this back to Winston? He left it here when he was bringing me the pig." Frypan says to me.
"Yea, but first could you make something for the greenie and I? We're starving." I said to him, giving him a sweet smile.
He rolls his eyes and grins," fine. What'll it be? The bacon burgers or sandwiches?" He asked us.
"Both?" I tried and he sighed, nodding his head.
He got to work and in 5 minutes we each had 2 plates in front of us and a small bottle of water.
We walked out of the kitchen, with the butchers knife, and headed towards the bloodhouse.
Winston came out in a rush and saw us and sighed.
"Thanks so much, I thought I lost it." He said, grabbing the butchers knife with his bloodied hands out of my hand and ran back into his workplace.
I cringed as I saw blood all over my hand.
"ew." Minho cringed at my hand.
I sighed and spilled my water bottle over my hand, cleaning the blood off of my hands.
"Here, have mine." He said, handing me his water bottle.
"One second. Max!" I shouted and he came running.
When Max first got here he hit me in the face with a knife and gave me a scar on my chin and me to be in a coma for a few days so now I hold a grudge against him.
"Yes?" He panted.
"Get Minho and I 2 water bottles each." I said to him and he sighed, running towards frypan's kitchen.
He came back in seconds and handed us both our two water bottles.
"What's your deal with Max?" Minho asked me as we are in silence, underneath a tree in the deadheads.
"When he was the greenie here, he jumped out of the box with a knife and got me in the chin with it. It sent me in a coma for about a week and made me have a scar on my chin ever since." I said, glancing up from my plate.
"So that's what the mark on your chin is." He nodded in understanding.
"Yea, so now he has to do everything I ask him to because he was like a glimpse away from being banished." I said to him.
"Banished?" He asked me.
"When a glader breaks a rule they're punished. If it's slacking off its a day in the slammer with no food. If it's leaving the glade and going into the maze without being a runner it's punishable either way by the slammer or being banished. If you hurt another glader, whether it be severely or now, there's critical consequences. For him, since he didn't know the rules, Newt made Alby and Nick think twice before banishing him. They immediately put him as a slopper and made him tend to all my needs when I woke up." I explained to him.
"Ah, so he...scrawny weak Max, put you into a coma for a week?" He asked me.
I nodded," and you want to know what's hilarious?"
"He said he was being controlled by something. Like someone was in his brain, forcing him to hurt me. Forcing him to hit me." I said to him, chuckling. I then finished both of my sandwiches and started drinking some of my water. He had one down and was half way finished with the other one.
Minho gave me a weary look.
"With what you've told me about this place, anything could happen here. So maybe there was someone controlling him to do that." He said, shrugging.
"You know, I never thought of that. Eh, it doesn't matter now. Okay, let's go help frypan with the food." I said and he nodded, finishing his last water bottle.
He stood up and held out a hand for me to grab.
"Oh my, you're my Prince Charming." I said to him in a mock tone.
He rolled his eyes," why yes Snow White." He said and I laughed and he soon joined in.
We walked into the kitchens and frypan immediately put us to work.
The bonfire started over an hour ago and Minho was nowhere to be seen.
I got up, handing my cup of Gally's recipe to some random boy and walked off.
I saw a figure on the tower and knew it was Minho.
I climbed up it and saw him staring at the small dots that we call stars here.
"Hey." He said.
Damn I wanted to scare him.
"Damn, I wanted to scare you." I said and he chuckled.
"I don't think anything scares me anymore." He said.
"What's on your mind?" I asked him.
"Why do they do this?"
"Do what?" I asked him.
"Why do they send us up here like lab rats? Like what's the point of doing this? Why kids?" He rambled on.
"Hey," I said to him, turning him around and grabbing his shoulders.
He stared at me with an off look in his eyes.
"Look, I don't know why they would send us here. We're just kids. But they did. And we need to be able to keep sane and find a way out of this shuck hole." I said and he chuckled.
"What?" I said, my cheeks tinting a light shade of red. I'm so glad that it's dark out.
"Newt told me that you hate cursing and that you made up a bunch of words. Like shuck, slinthead, shucking, etc..." he said to me.
I shrugged," I just don't like cursing. It makes me cringe." I said.
He laughed.
"now you're the new greenie this month! And tonight is the only night that you'll be treated right unless you make people treat you right. So c'mon and have fun." I said to him, and started climbing down the ladder.
He followed after me and we went down to party with the other gladers.
It was the next day and I was walking to the gardens to talk to Newt.
That's when the greenie alarm sounded.
But, we just got one yesterday.
I shrugged and ran towards the box.
The alarm stopped and Gally and Newt opened the doors.
Minho came up next to me.
I jumped down into the box and sighed.
"Finally!!" I shouted to the sky.
The two girls in the box looked at me, scared.
"Are you alright?" I asked them both.
The strawberry blonde haired girl nodded while the brunette shook her head.
"It hurts. Everything hurts." She cried out.
That's when I looked at her arms and legs and saw blood everywhere.
"I need a med Jack down here now!" I shouted up to the boys.
Newt and Minho jumped into the box.
"What's wrong-oh God." Newt stopped when he saw the brunette.
He ran over to her.
"Are you okay?!" He asked her, gently pushing the hair out of her face.
She shook her head.
"It hurts. Please, make it stop." She cried out.
"You're okay right?" Minho asked the blonde.
She nodded slowly," I don't know what's wrong with her. I woke up to her crying. Where am I? Who are you?" She asked us.
"All of your questions will be answered when you come out of the box. So here, Minho will help you up out of the box while Newt and I help the other girl. I'm Katherine by the way, welcome to the glade." I said, smiling at her. She smiled back at me.
"Minho make sure no one touches her." I said and he smiled and nodded.
Minho climbed out of the box and pulled her up with him.
Newt picked her up and then I climbed out of the box and sat on my knees next to it.
"Here, hand her to me." I said and Newt handed her to me.
Wow, she's very light. Or am I just strong...yea she's just very light.
When Newt climbed up he took her from me.
Minho and the blonde came back over to us and the blonde stepped closer to me.
I guess she trusted me more since I'm the only other girl here besides them two.
We walked quickly to the med jacks and Nick and Alby met us half way.
"Two new greenies? Girls? Right after this shank?" Steven said, then he screamed,"the world as we know it is ending! We're all going to die!" then he fainted on the ground. Landing right on my foot.
I groaned and kicked him off of me.
"You okay?" Minho asked me, coming over to me.
I nodded slowly and looked up just in time to see Newt smirking at us.
I rolled my eyes as we all stepped into the homestead.
We immediately placed her on a table that Clint and Jeff cleared.
Jeff gave the brunette girl a shot of something to knock her out and numb the pain so she won't be screaming.
"Okay. Minho, go get me a giant bowl of cold water." Clint said and Minho ran off.
"Newt, I need you to get a towel and soak it in cold water for 20 seconds then take it out and squeeze the water out of it until it's still semi wet but not dripping. Then come back with it." Jeff said and he nodded and ran off.
"Okay," Jeff said turning to the strawberry blonde haired girl next to me," hey greenie. Do you know you're name yet?"
She nodded," I'm Scarlett and she's Stella. We told each other our names in the box." She said.
"Okay, can you and Katherine do something for me?" Jeff asked both of us.
We nodded.
Clint went upstairs to tend to another patient.
"Can you lift up her shirt for me?" He asked while cleaning her wounds.
I gave him a disgusted look.
"Not for that! Just past her belly button!" He said and I nodded, rolling up her shirt.
There were bruises aligning her stomach. Almost as if someone had repeatedly kicked her in the stomach in the same spot over and over again.
"Oh my god." Newt said as he came back in with Minho.
Minho handed Jeff the bowl of water and Newt put the towel on Stella's head.
"Newt, Minho. This is Scarlett and that's Stella. Scarlett, this is Minho and Newt." I said to them and the boys gave Scarlett a grin each.
"Okay, there's nothing I could really do besides wrap her ribs because they are clearly broken. I cleaned and stitched her wounds and put a cast on her broken ankle. She won't be able to walk on it for a while. So I'd give her a job as a cook or a medjack so she won't put too much pressure on it." Jeff told us.
"Thank you." I said and he smiled.
"Newt, can you take her up to my room and watch her?" I asked him and he nodded.
He lifted her up and carried her out of the room.
"Okay, Minho. Scarlett, we need to call a gathering." I said and we walked out of the homestead.
"Hey!" I shouted to all the gladers.
Everyone came running over.
"Okay, we need to get a move on with the girls cabin because now the brunette girl is badly injured and has to be off her feet for a good two weeks. So, the following gladers come by me." I said to all of them.
"Winston, Gally, Lucas, James, Ashton, and Nate. You boys are going to work on the walls. Finish the walls. Mason, Andrew, Michael, John, Lance, and Isaac. I need you to work on the roof. Max, Louis, Liam, Blake, Greg, and Scott. Work on the furniture on the inside. Like the beds and doors and lights. Now I want Clint, Frypan, Jeff, Hank, Henry, Kevin, Oscar, and Ethan to continue working their regular jobs since we need medjacks and cooks. Now whoever's names I just called, go to where you were assigned. The rest stay." I said and the crowd dispersed.
There was only a group of kids left.
There was Derek, Stefan, Matt, Chris, Damon, Kyle, William, Minho, Scarlett, Alby, Nick and I left.
"Okay, Derek. I want you, Stefan, Matt, Chris, Damon, Kyle, and William to try and find things that will make the cabin feel homey for the girls. Cause I'm sure the brunette girl will need some comfort after waking up from being in so much pain." I said and they ran off to find things.
"Now us five will all do separate things. Alby and Nick, please go and make sure everyone is doing what they were told to do." I said and they walked off.
"Scarlett, go back into the homestead and to Stella's room and help Newt and Jeff take care of her." I told her and she ran into the homestead.
"Now, you and I are going into the box supplies to see what they brought up with them." I said to Minho and we ran over to the supplies.
Word count {2,199 words}

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