Chapter 4:

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Katherine's POV
"Uhh, Katherine?" Minho asked me.
"Wha-oh." I said, blushing.
He was holding a bra.
I snatched it from him and stuffed it back into the box.
I rolled my eyes as he chuckled.
"Okay, it's just basically girl clothes and...what's this?" Minho asked, holding up a tampon.
My blush deepened and I grabbed it from him.
"Nothing." I said quickly, shoving it back into the box. He raised his eyebrows and shook his head.
"Girls have such weird things." He said and I laughed.
"You have no idea." I said.
It was now 2 days later and the cottage for the girls is finally finished.
I just finished putting all my stuff into my new room when Newt came running in.
"You got to stop him." He said and I got up and ran out with him.
Gally and him were fighting.
Like hitting each other fighting.
"Minho!" I screamed.
He stopped only for Gally to try and hit him.
I jumped on Gally and tackled him to the ground.
"Stop it you shank!" I snarled in his face.
I stood up and saw a bloodied and bruised Minho.
"What the hell is going on?!" I snapped.
They both stayed quiet.
"Okay," I turned to the crowd," who swung first?"
They all pointed towards Gally.
"Gally, in the slammer for 4 days. Only one meal per day." I said and he was taken to the slammer.
I grabbed Minho's hand and pulled him into the medjacks area.
I sat him on a injured bed and went to get some disinfectant and some bandages.
"Minho, what happened?" I asked him softly.
"I was walking past them when I heard Gally talking about how he's been 'getting some' with you. And I knew that wasn't true so I confronted him about it and we started arguing then he said how you might as well be owned by him and then I said,'well she's not an object'. And then he swung at me and we started fighting." He explained to me, looking down.
"Don't be ashamed Minho, you defended me. Thank you." I said, putting down the bandaid and giving him a hug.
He hugged me back and I sighed, pulling alway.
"Now, let me clean you up." I said to him.
He nodded and I cleaned his wounds then slowly bandaged them one by one.
Then when I was done I helped him stand since Gally kicked him in the stomach.
"Minho, you're amazing. You know that?" I asked him as we walked out of the homestead.
He looks down at me and laughs," well now I do know that." He said, chuckling.
I smile and help him to the kitchens since its dinner.
We get our plates and go to sit down.
Then Scarlett and Newt come and sit with us.
"How's Stella?" I asked her as I munch on some green beans.
Haha, get it? Munching on green beans? No? Never Mind...
"She's doing okay. She just woke up. But Clint and Jeff told her not to get up for a few days. So they're moving her to the cottage." Scarlett says.
I nodded and finished my dinner.
"Scarlett and I are going back to the cottage, do you two want to come?" I asked Minho and Newt.
They looked at each other and shrugged, both nodding their heads.
We all walked out of the kitchens and started to the cottage.
That's when we heard a high pitched scream.
"Stella." I said and we all sprinted over to the cottage.
I ran in and stopped.
"Katherine, what's wrong?..." Minho asked, coming to stand by my side.
In front of us was Stella.
Only, she had a scrunched up nose, her canines were in sharp fangs, and she had claws extending from her fingers.
"What's wrong with me?!" She asked us.
My eyes still wide, I stepped towards her.
"Katherine don't-" I cut Minho off by walking towards Stella.
"Stella, hi. I'm Katherine. I'm the leader of this shuck place. How're you feeling?" I asked her.
"I'm okay, I just want to know what's wrong with me." She said to me.
"You're okay, you're just like me." I said to her and Newt just sighed.
"Now we have two..." he mumbled and I gave him a sharp look to which he just mocked.
I let out a giggle and Minho looked at us with a strange look on his face.
"Okay, Stella. You want the claws and fangs to go away right?" I asked her and she nodded.
"Now, say it with me. Alpha, beta, omega. Alpha, beta, omega. Alpha, beta, omega." We repeated those three words together until she was calmed down.
"How'd you do that?" She asked me.
I flashed my purple eyes.
"Because I'm a supernatural creature like you." I said to her.
"What are you?" She asked me.
"I'm a Kitsune. But I'm a special kind. I'm both a thunder Kitsune and I'm also part were-cheetah. So I have purple eyes. And I don't heal quickly like you do. But I do have fangs, claws, and my eyes. And I have all my senses just like a werewolf." I said to her.
"Werewolf?!" Minho asked me.
"Long story, I'll tell you tonight." I said and he nodded.
"Okay, Newt and Scarlett please take Stella to get food." I said and they nodded and left with her.
I sat down on the sofa couch, not knowing how to start.
"You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to." He said to me, scooting closer.
"I want to, and I have to tell you. I just don't know how." I said.
"Don't worry about what I'll think. I won't judge you no matter what." He said to me.
I sighed.
"When I first got here, it was a full moon. Like tonight. And I had no idea that I was what I am. But Nick some how knew and managed to keep me calm the whole night. Then I found out what I am.
I'm half thunder Kitsune and half were-cheetah. A thunder Kitsune is basically a fox that can control thunder. And a were-cheetah is a werewolf with cheetah abilities. So that's why my actual eyes are purple." I said to him.
"Can I see it?" He asked me.
"See what?" I asked.
"See your other face." He said.
I nodded. I looked down then morphed into my other face.
My canines extended, my nose scrunched up, my eyes were bright purple, and my claws were long.
Minho looks at me, then grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers together.
With his other hand, he touched my face.
I closed my eyes at the feeling and leaned into his touch.
"See, I wouldn't judge." He said.
I opened my eyes and gasped.
He was one too, he was a werewolf.
"You're a-"
"A werewolf? yes. An alpha? Yes." He said.
"Minho!" I said, hugging him tightly.
"Is it something I said?" He asked nervously.
"No! I just thought you'd call me a freak!" I said to him.
"Well, we'll be freaks together." He said and I smiled.
"Now, tonight's a full moon. What do you do on a full moon?" He asked me.
"C'mon!" I said, getting up, grabbing his hand and running outside.
The doors have shut by now and the gladers were all sleeping.
We ran to the deadheads and to the lake.
Yes, there was a lake in here. But no one knows about it besides me and Newt, well now me Newt and Minho.
When I got there I took off my shoes and I jumped into the water, splashing around.
He watched me from the edge.
"Minho! Come in! The water's really warm!" I said.
He smirked, taking off his shoes and his shirt.
I looked away until I felt him standing right behind me.
"What do you do now?" He whispered in my ear.
I looked at him from my peripheral vision.
"I haven't gotten that far into my plans yet." I whispered and he chuckled.
His arms wrapped around my body, pulling me flush against him.
My cheeks tinted a dark red color and he could see them through the moonlight.
He smirked and interlaced our hands and fingers together.
I smiled and leaned into him.
I tilted my head up to look at him.
He was looked down at me.
Then we both started to lean in.
That's when we heard a twig snap from in the deadheads.
"Someone's there." I whispered.
He tugged me into his side and looked around for any possible threats.
When he found none he looked back down at me.
I heard a frog ribbit causing me to jump.
Minho chuckled.
I rolled my eyes and turned around to face him.
By now, we were in waist deep water.
Well for me it was waist deep, for him it was more like knee deep water.
We looked at each other, leaning in.
I don't know what's happening, but I don't care. I like it.
We were about an inch apart from our lips touching when we heard a giggle from in the trees.
"Shuck it." Minho swore and pulled me against him, our lips clashing.
Instantly we heard people running away, giggling.
We kissed furiously.
As if every emotion we've ever felt was put into that one kiss.
When we needed air we both pulled away, gasping for breath. I felt my lips being red and swollen, both of ours were.
He kissed my forehead," finally."
I giggled," and just how long were you waiting to do that?" I asked him, trailing my fingers up his bare chest.
"Since the day you jumped into the box." He mumbled.
"Well I'm glad I'm not the only one." I said and he chuckled.
"C'mon, let's get you back to the cottage." He said to me, pulling me with him out of the lake.
When we got out he out on his shirt and shoes and so did I.
We walked back, hand in hand, through the deadheads and to my cottage.
When we got inside he shut the door and took off his shoes.
I took off mine and we went to my room.
I grabbed clothes and went to the bathroom to change. Yes, they even built a bathroom for us in here.
I changed and brushed my teeth then came back.
I walked in to see Minho had changed also, where he got his clothes his a mystery to me.
I climbed into my bed and he laid down next to me.
"Do you ever think we'd make it out of here?" I asked him, whispering softly.
He sighed," I think that we will. One day, there will be an opening somewhere and we will find it. We will be able to get everyone out of here." He mumbled to me, I laid my head on his chest.
"Goodnight Minho." I mumbled.
"Goodnight Katherine." He whispered, kissing my forehead.
I then fell asleep just like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2016 ⏰

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