Savor the Moment

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The words still echoed inside my head "which is why I don't you to date Ed." How could my mother do this to me? I mean I love her to death and all but I'm 23 years old and I will chose who I date. I some how am able to find the energy to sit up and say,

"Mom I could never date Ed he's like my brother he's just like Austin nothing more."  Which took everything in me to say that and lie straight to my mom's face but I had to.

"Ok honey." She says to me ask she wipes the last of my tears and pulls me into a tight hug.

"We'll I guess I better go and get ready for the show." I say to her as I stand up and begin walking slowly to the door.

I look back at her quickly before I leave and she gives me a reassuring smile and says,
"You will do great tonight honey, I love you."

"Love you too mom." I say to her as I finally leave and begin making my way to my dressing room.

Ed's POV

Oh my god what just happened? I almost just told Taylor how I feel and nearly kissed her thats what happened. I silently begin cursing at myself for what  could have been the end of our friendship and my head ends up in my hands. I start to slowly sit back up and put my hands through my hair a few times trying to make sense of all of this. I can't help but think why Taylor didn't pull away when I held her hand and put my hand on her face and then how she put her hand over mine. That's got to mean something right? Or maybe I'm just reading into this to much. I look at the clock and Taylor has been gone for a while. I wonder what her mom wanted to talk to her about and I continue contemplating on wether or not I should tell Taylor.

What would happen if I told her and she didn't like me that way. Then our whole friendship would become awkward and then Taylor might not want to talk to me anymore. I could never lose Taylor she means to much to me. It would be like the life being slowly sucked out of me until I wither away to nothing. Once again I look up at the clock and I reads 3:45.

"Oh shit!" I said as I began sprinting to sound check and concert prep.

I guess I'll have to talk to Taylor later.

Taylor's POV

I barley make it to hair and makeup on time before sound check. I look into the mirror as I begin to curl my hair. My face looks a mess, my eyes red and puffy from crying and my tear stained face does not look in anyway shape or form concert acceptable. I quickly begin to put on foundation to try and conceal my tear stained face. Then I faintly hear the words,

"Give me my give me love my give me love." As Ed's soothing lyrics echo inside my head.

Ed! I left him inside my room on the bus and I promised him I'd be back and what do I do? Not come back.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I say out loud to myself

"Uh Tay, who are you talking to?"

I spin around to see none other then the amazing Ed Sheeran. Smooth, Taylor real smooth.

"Nobody just trying out some new song lyrics that's all." I say giggling

"Ok if you say so, you are the amazing song writer." He says to me as he bows a slight blush creeping up on my face.

"All hail queen Taylor." He says once he stands back up.

I laugh and playful punch him.

"What was that for?" He asks mocking a hurt tone in his voice, "I was being nice." He says laughing.

"It was for you being yourself Mr. Sheeran." I tell him

" I see how it is Ms Swift." He say as he charges at me and picks me up and spins me around in a circle.

We  are laughing so loud I bet the audience could hear it out in the stadium.

"Sheeran put me down this instant!" I demand hitting him lightly on his back.

"As the queen commands." He says as he puts me back on my feet, but keeps his hands on my waist.

I look him straight in the eyes,

"Ed I meant to tell you something earlier on the bus." I said to him as he drops his hands from my waist and puts the at his sides.

I reach out and take his hands in mine and put them back on my waist. A sudden shudder goes through my body once his hands are on my waist once more.

He looks back at me with a smile on his face as he looks down at his hands on my waist then back up at me.

I reach out my hand a gently place it on his cheek.

"Taylor." He whispers to me as I close my eyes savoring the moment and wanting to stay here forever.

I can feel him start to lean in slowly not sure of his actions as I begin to feel his warm breath envelop around my face.

His hands squeeze me ever so slightly, like this was a dream and he might wake up at any moment. A small smile forms on my face as his nose touches my face, his lips only inches from mine. Finally after what seems as an eternity of anticipation and waiting his lips finally meet mine.

Tada! Sweeran triumphs all! Yay!!!

But how will they work out? What happens when momma swift finds out?

Keep reading to find out :) this was by far my best chapter and the best chapter to write I hope you guys liked it.

I hope you guys look forward to my next chapter :) Thanks again for reading!

-xoxo swiftyforlife23 :)

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