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Me: "So out of the hype for a seme Wally, has spawned the concern of the characters becoming OOC. This chapter is my attempt to show that Wally is not OOC, but rather you knew nothing about him the entire time you were reading this story. You just thought you did because Brendan thought he did, and Wally doesn't remember. And before you say OMG, an eight year old is too old to forget that much--I, myself, remember only, like, five percent of what happened to me middle school and before.

"Now—I hope you're reading this because I think it's important—my idea for this chapter/explanation came from research on the Internet. I do not think it is far-fetched to explain Wally's...behavior this way. And honestly, I looked over the actual, newer Hoenn video games and Wally's mom says: 'Wally was so happy when he told us that he's caught a Pokémon...It's been ages since I've seen him smile like that.' and that sentence there gave me fucking chills after I wrote this update.

"As for any doubt on Brendan's personality, he isn't discussed practically at all in this chapter but obviously the story isn't done yet so...Also, I really don't think anything's too weird for him to do considering his personality throughout this story—I really just don't see how anyone could think he's being OOC. He may come across as more masculine, but that doesn't mean he can't be the uke, and I really don't even think he's all that masculine anyways. He has a bit of a temper, and he's really sassy—plenty of ukes fit that bill.

"As a final note in this intro, if I have previously said anything to you suggesting where this story's going to go in the future, forget about it. This chapter made me rethink my entire story line, so we'll have to see where it goes together, now.

"And finally because I always remember I have something to add after my supposedly 'final' note, this chapter is definitely part of why this book is rated mature. Please be aware of that as you read. It doesn't get too graphic or anything, so you should be fine, but if you feel uncomfortable at any time, no one's making you stay on this page, okay? Honestly, I was sick to my stomach after writing this, but I could be a bit of a drama queen—I don't know. I hope least appreciate this chapter and don't abandon the book afterwards—actually, you might want to reread the whole thing for extra meaning after this chapter." *Sighs* "And so, now, my Skitties, the time has come to start the show..." ........................................................................................................................................................................................

*Flashback, 3rd Person POV*

Crash! A little green-haired boy gasps sharply as the vase he was pushing falls right off the table. "Wally! Wally, it's okay, honey," a brunette woman approaches, tucking her hair behind one ear and observing the damage done to the dining room floor, "Didn't Mommy tell you not to play with things like that, baby?" she rubs her son's back soothingly, who leans away from the touch as she's staring at the shards of glass scattered about, "Dan!" the woman calls out to the adjoining room, "Dan! Wally broke the vase in the dining room! Can you come clean it up?! I have that business meeting in Rustboro that I need to leave for right now!" some vague reply is heard from elsewhere in the house, and the woman crouches down to the boy's eye level, "Mommy's gotta go now, baby, but I'll be back on Friday. Do you know how many days Friday is from now?" She brushes a hand through her son's soft green hair.

The little boy counts off on his fingers, mumbling to himself, "...Five...?" he asks after a few seconds.

"Yep, it's five," the woman smiles brilliantly, "Will you be good for Daddy while Mommy's gone?"

The boy swallows back tears. "...I'll try..."

"Oh, honey, don't worry about the vase—it doesn't matter. And Mommy will be back before you know it, okay?"

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