When We Were Young [01]

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I can't believe that by the first hour I posted FTM, I got 12 views, 5 votes, and 15 comments! :)

Well, here's the chapter! Hope you enjoy.

(There's a repetition with the F bomb in this chapter. Watch out hehe ;))

"You look like a movie. You sound like a song. My God, this reminds me, of when we were young..."

~Adele, When We Were Young







Do not absolutely look up.

I looked up. My parents sat across from each other. My father stabbing his fork on the cooked steak we were having for dinner while my mom glared at the fork and steak.

I hate having family dinners with my parents because of their sick behavior. They have been getting into fights more often lately, and I clearly remember the words that slipped my father's mouth last Friday.

"If we hate each other so much, why don't we divorce?!"

After he said that, the house was as quiet as a mouse scampering. My mother broke the silence a few minutes after and yelled, "Yeah! Why don't we do that?!" while my father left the house and slammed the door shut on his way out.

Even though my room is far from the kitchen (where my mother was) I could hear her whimpering, and my heart tore a little. I wanted to go downstairs and comfort my mom, but then she would tell me to go away or ignore me, so I lay there in my bed, thinking desperate and hopeful thoughts about the idea of my 'perfect family'.

It was then that day that I finally found out that nothing is perfect and nothing is okay. Even when Adrian would tell me that I would be okay, he's lying.

I'm not going to be "okay". You don't understand me, Adrian. You're not in the situation I am in.

You used to be my best friend. But you're far from being my friend anymore.

I could feel the tears coming, so I pushed my chair out. The chair made a loud SCREECH sound that made my parents heads turn.

"I'm full. I gotta do my homework..." I excused myself, pushing my plate toward the table, and walking out of the kitchen. I sure as hell didn't have homework, and I sure as hell didn't want to be there. The tension in the house was silent and eerie that you could cut the tension with a knife.

My mind went back to Adrian.
Of course it has to go back to Adrian. He's the first thing I think about in the morning. The first thing I think about when I ly in my bed at night. The reason why I listen to heart break songs, and the reason why I choose to not like anyone else. He's the reason why I sing loudly in the shower, why I cry myself to sleep at night, why I have countless dreams about our first kiss: where our song, 3005 by Childish Gambino, plays in the background, and the moon is shining down and smiling at us like we were the best couple in the world. And we would look at each other in the eyes, and you would confess your undying love for me. You would whisper in my ear, "I love you," and I would whisper it back, surprising you. Then we would kiss passionately, and there would be violins playing in the background too, after 3005 is over, of course.

But back to the real problem here.

You left me Adrian...

Fuck you for playing with my heart.

Fuck you for being so pretty and yummy.

Fuck you for being my best friend.

Fuck you for singing so good that it made me hard to breathe.

Fuck you for having a beautiful and contagious smile that makes me smile too.

Fuck you for sharing the same everything with me.

Fuck you for being so loyal to girls.

Fuck you for being so relatable.

Fuck you for looking amazing when you put your hand through your luscious hair.

Fuck you for always being there for me when I was feeling down.

Fuck you for being so great at playing any instrument.

Fuck you for ignoring every other girl that flirted with you, and insisted that I was your only girl.

Fuck you for bribing me to be your friend in kindergarten with magical skittles, strawberry starbursts, and a gusher packet.

But most importantly, fuck you for leaving me when I needed you the fucking most.


Hahah, sorry for all the F bombs nearing the end of the chapter. I just want you guys to feel the way Pia is feeling right now; heartbroken, sad, angry. She's having mixed emotions.

BUT PLEASE, don't hate Mr. Wilson! He'll be coming back... soon ;)

It's midnight and I still haven't slept yet. Hehe.

Have a nice day!


✧ 2/19/16 ✧

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