Robron - Where It All Started

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In the village of emmerdale it was slightly chilly, a gale of wind blew throughout the buildings. Aaron was sitting on the bench with Adam drinking a beer and talking. "Do ya know the new lad? His names Robert Sugden I think, he moved in at home farm last week." Adam said curiously. "Wow, story of ma life. And nah, I don't know 'im. Why would a anyway?" Aaron replied back looking confused. Adam just shrugged. "A think that's 'im." Adam reported while pointing down the road. Aaron took a look in the direction of where Adam was pointing, and spotted a handsome well built man with sandy blonde hair walking towards the pub with a young lady, Aaron quickly assumed it was his girlfriend.

Is that the new one? Robert Sugden? Is that who Adam meant? I though so many questions, he noticed me as he walked passed. He smiled at me, I blushed and made an awkward smile and then I looked away to my beer to take a sip. His so gorgeous. I shockingly looked over at Adam. "What's up with your face?" Adam started to laugh like he just cracked a good joke. I just replied saying "Nowt, why?" He looked at me confused and said "Doesn't matter." I nodded my head and thought about Robert. Why? Do I love him?

I walked into the pub with Chrissie my girlfriend who is going to be my wife. We walked passed a bench with two alright looking lads sitting having a beer, I smiled at one and he smiley back but they looked away am I really that ugly? Chrissie doesn't think I am. I walked into the pub to see Diane my step mum working on the bar so I walked over. "Hey Diane, can I have a pint?" I was quite thirsty and needed a pint. "Sure, and for you Chrissie?" Diane smiled at us after asking. "Red wine please." Chrissie said politely. "Coming right up, Chas pass me a pint glass and a wine glass please?" Diana asked trying to to sound rude. "Sure, here." Chas said with a grin on her face.

As he walked into the pub I couldn't help but stare at his well built body. "You orite mate?" Adam said to me looking confused. "Aye, I am." I just said and my eyes fell to the floor. It was silent for a couple of minutes while we were finishing off out beers then Adam blurted out "shall we go in and tell ya mum were going out for a bit?" I replied back looking a little bit lightheaded "yeah." Just before Adam was going to say out I stopped him "I'm fine." He nodded and we got up to walk in the pub to find my mum.

As soon as Aaron and Adam walked through the doors Robert's eyes quickly moved towards Aaron, Aaron caught Robert look at him, Aaron tried to hold in his smile, he knew if he let it out he'd smile and look like an absolute idiot.

I caught the door open at the corner of my eye and spotted it was the lad who was sat on the bench I immediately looked over at him and we locked eyes, he looked away as soon as Chas shouted. "Aaron love, you alright." Chas shouted from the bar and ran over to the lad and gave him a hug. "Yeah, mum." So his name was Aaron, hot name to go with a hot lad.

I could see Robert staring at me, he just  wouldn't stop. Why? Could he be? Nah, he couldn't be. Could he?

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