Robron - I Think I Love You

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It's been a day since Robert Sugden caught Aaron's eye, Aaron has just woke up and all he could think about was how gorgeous Robert looked wearing his gorgeous fancy clothes.

Oh my god! Robert looked so hot yesterday, shut up Aaron he doesn't like you! He's straight, plus nobody else does.

Aaron got changed.
*It was now 12:00PM, lunch time*
Aaron walked through to the bar to ask Chas for a pint with a packet of crisps. The door opened and suddenly Aaron looked over because he heard "Robert can you order, and we'll get a table?" It was Robert coming for his dinner with Chrissie.

I heard someone say Robert's name so I sneakily peeped over to catch Robert glance over at me with a smile. He walked over to me ready to order. I was blushing because he was stood so close to me, oh my god I could feel my face turning red, I quickly looked away to stop it. "You alright mate?" He said with a grin. I tried to hold in my smile because I knew if I did smile I'd look like an idiot. He stood there waiting for an answer, I tried not to blush so I looked at the my hand and said "yeah, you?" He smiled again and nodded followed by a "yeah I'm good thanks." I swear I could've squealed at this point, just like a teenage girl would do if her crush just text her. Well I did, in my head because my crush talked to me with a smile.

Oh god, I don't look desperate do I? I'm trying to be friendly to him. I hope he doesn't know I love him. Wait.. Did he just blush? Could he?.. Naa he couldn't and he wouldn't because he's probably straight. Oh my god get it together Robert! Chas came through with a big grin on her face and asked Aaron if he was alright, Aaron nodded and said "yeah mum, I'm fine. Can I have a pint with a packet of my favourite crisps?" Chas nodded and walked to get what Aaron wanted. Oh my god! Aaron's voice is like an angle whispering through a cloud. I wanted to hold his hand so badly but I knew I couldn't because if I did I'd probably get rumours spreading about me being gay, well I'm bisexual and I'm in love with Aaron, I need to tell him though, I can't keep this any longer to myself.

Oh my god I think I love Robert, wait I do love Robert. Should I tell him, nah he'll think I'm weird. I should tell him am gay though. Ross burst in for a lager, his usual. He looked at me and said "how's my favourite gay lad?" He laughed and I just looked over and said "haha, funny Ross. Don't skit my sexuality though, not cool." I got a sarcastic reply "oh sorry mammy. Stop being so miserable all the time! Go get yourself a boyfriend or something." Then he laughed again I put my eyes back onto the table and before I could say anything else Robert burst out saying "what's up with you ey? Skitting people over their sexuality's. It's just sad, get a grip yeah." I looked back at Ross but he was gone, guess he couldn't handle Robert sticking up for me. Haha it was funny though, I looked up at Robert with a small smile and said "Thanks mate." He just looked back at me with a big smile and said "no problem, someone needs to wipe that stupid smile off his face." He just smiled at me and touched my arm, oh my god I felt myself blush again. I couldn't keep it in so I shouted over to my mum "mum, I'm going back to the garage. Cain will be getting mad ya know what he's like." She just nodded at me and I got up to leave.

Was it something I said? He got up and left, I should meet him at the garage later to tell him about my sexuality.

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