Robron - You Are Important To Me

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It has been a day since the two have kissed and started to date in secret, Robert has arranged a night away with Aaron. Telling Chrissie that he is going to stop over night at a hotel so he doesn't have to drive back home after a 'long meeting' which 'meeting' is just a code word so that Chrissie doesn't get suspicious of what Robert is really doing. Robert got to the hotel and waited for Aaron, Aaron later arrived at the hotel to meet Robert.

I was sitting on the bed with a bottle of beer waiting for Aaron to walk though the door. I heard the door open and Aaron walked through, I looked at him and a smile plastered onto my face. "Wow, you look so good in a suit!" I smirked across the room at him and got a smile back. "Yeah well I like to impress." Aaron said back to me as he started to laugh, I joined in with him. I got up off the bed and walked over to him locking my lips over Aaron's and threw away the key.

Oh my god! Robert's lips are stuck to mine, oh what am I playing at? I just bit his lip! I hope it wasn't hard. Am I kissing him good? He is a really good kisser! Does he actually love me? I love him so much, I think I've fell in love with him. Wait.. I have fell in love with him!

I love him so much oh my god! Does he love me back though? He just bit my lip, oh my god he turns me on so badly. He is like the best kisser.. Like ever! I hope my kiss is good for him. Oh my god I want him so badly!

Oh my god I need him so badly!

Robert and Aaron made out on the bad and had a little naughty fun for the night.

Oh my god, Aaron is so good! I need and want him to be mine! If I could ditch Chrissie softly to be with Aaron trust my I would've done it when I found out he was gay. I just love him so much! I really hope he actually feels the same.

Oh my god, Robert is so good! I desperately want him to be mine, I really do! But he can't upset Chrissie. I understand, I just really love him and I hope he really does feel the same, I really do.

Time flew in, the night went fast, it was morning and Aaron woke up. He heard breathing in the background, I guess he forgot that Robert and Aaron slept together, he soon realised.

This isn't my room? What the.. Is someone sleeping next to me? In the same bed? Wonder who it is.

Aaron slowly turned round to see who it was, as soon as he noticed that Robert was lying asleep next to him he turned back round with a smile on his face and went back to sleep still smiling.

Oh my god it's Robert! We slept together? Oh my god we did! I remember what happened. Aww he looks so cute when he's sleeping. I'm still tired though, I'm just gonna try and go back to sleep for a bit. God, I'm glad Robert can't see me now! I'm smiling like an absolute idiot. Am I really laughing to myself at my jokes, wow, I must be really sad and pathetic. How could someone like him love someone like me?

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