Robron - We Are In Too Deep

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Robert woke up to see Aaron sitting at the edge of the bed drinking a cup of coffee. Aaron heard Robert wake up and turned to look at him and caught Robert staring into his eyes.

"Morin'." I said trying not to do a weird smile. He replied back with a smile "morning, did ya sleep good. I did, I went straight to sleep, I was exhausted." He laughed after he said it then I decided to join in I then replied "not, really." He replied with a smirk trying to turn into a giggle "why? I didn't snore did I?" I just laughed and said "no, but you did kick me a few times though." He then said "sorry." With a giggle and I joined in. Oh god he is gorgeous!

Oh my god! I kicked him, haha. We need a bigger bed then next time, oh my good he is so cute, aww! I really do love him!

I love him so much!

Robert checked his phone for the time it was 9:59AM and they didn't have to check out till 3:30PM. Robert locked eyes with Aaron again. Robert slowly got up a crawled over to him.

"We still have 5 hours and 31 minutes till we have to check out." I smiled and looked lovingly into his eyes and he replied "don't you have to get back to work?" I could tell he wanted to grin then I said "yeah but I don't want to. Do you?" He looked at me still trying not to smile and said "no, not really." I laughed and said "well then I guess your stuck with me." Then he smiled and out lips where like magnets they stuck together and wouldn't let go.

Oh god I don't want to ever let him go. "I love you Robert." Shit did I just say that out loud? He looked at me with a massive grin on his face and said "I love you too Aaron." He leaned over again and undone my shirt while placing soft kisses up my neck to my lips. Oh god his lips are so warm and soft, I wanna bite down on them now!

Hours have passed and now it is 3:25PM and Robert and Aaron both packed their bags and checked out, they both got to there cars. Robert gave Aaron a quick but meaningful kiss and whispered in his ear softly "I really do love you Aaron." Robert leaned back quickly kissed Aaron's soft lips again and off he went.

Oh my god I smiled at Robert like an absolute douche, but I love you too Robert, so much! Please don't forget that.

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