The Unknown Bodies

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Master's P.O.V:
I knew something was coming but not this. I grumbled and walked up to the mysterious bodies. They looked odd, nothing alike in this worl-
I gasped, I knew who threw them in, I know who caused this madness.
Everyone's P.O.V:
The crowd got silent, There was nobody here but the guild. We heard quiet winds pick up and we all shuddered. This was getting interesting. We waited until we saw one of the bodies move. The grey-haired one sat up and mumbled, "Hmmm". We took guard and stood until he made a move. He stood up and did the peace sign and vanished. We looked confused and shrugged their shoulders. We looked at the remaing people. Then they started to wake up.

Naruto's P.O.V:
"Ugh...What the hec-"
This short guy walked up to me and looked at me with a concerned face. He held up his hand and everyone behind looked calm. I looked at my friends they was unconcious. I kept looking around, where in the world was Kakashi?

Kakashi P.O.V:
"Hm, this world- seems different way different than I expected." I shrugged my shoulders and walked farther along.
"To Be Continued"
Naruto's P.O.V:
I grumbled and got up. The short guy held up his hand and welcomed me. I held my friends up and help up Gaara too. This is a new start to something.
A war?
A friendly entrance?
Or another great way to fight.

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