Open Your Eyes

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*ALEXS P.O.V. 5:00pm 2 months later*
"Come on Elena, you have to wake up, you have to."
I lay my forehead on her and think about all the memories we have had together.
I hear the door open and turn around to see the doctor standing there.
"Has there been any changes Dr.Snow?"
"I'm sorry but no, she has not had any changes but I will alert you if anything changes."
"Thank you so much Doctor."
"Just doing my job."
I go to my car and start driving home.
*At home*
"Hey bro, any changes in Elena?"
I say with sadness in my voice.
I can't believe this happened, I know she's never going to wake up but for some reason I keep having this small part of me that thinks she will wake up.
"Alex, she will wake up. It might not be soon but trust me it will happen."
"No it won't! It just life for us, nothing ever goes our way!"
I storm up to my room and lock the door.
Why does my life have to be like this, why can't I have a normal life?

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