The Seventh Sense

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CaptainisKing has entered the conversation
NotEmperorKai has been invited to the conversation
NotEmperorKai has entered the conversation
CaptainisKing- have you ever just had the sudden urge to lick a knife?
NotEmperorKai-, may I ask why?
CaptainisKing- oh no reason, just if you do, don't lick it. It is surprising hard to talk with your tongue bleeding
Iko :3 has entered the conversation
Iko :3- I sensed my name
NotEmperorKai- *looks confused* we didn't say your name
Iko :3- well of course you didn't say my name, one of you just thought it
NotEmperorKai- *stares*
CaptainisKing- very interesting, how often does this 'sense' occur?
Iko :3- well actually-
Iko :3 has left the conversation
NotEmperorKai- did she just...?
Iko :3 has entered the conversation
Iko :3- false alarm guys, I thought I sensed my name. But it was actually just my fan kicking in.
CaptainisKing- *strokes chin* extraordinary, it seems you have a nack  for sensing whenever people are talking about  you
NotEmperorKai- except we weren't talking about you, we were talking about liking knifes
Iko :3- knifes do you say? Well did you know that the metals used in most kitchen knifes can also be used in droids? So in a way, you were talking about me, or at least my  brethren.
CaptainisKing- it's amazing, do you think you could teach me?
NotEmperorKai- no. She can't teach you. She can't teach anyone! She's just making up 'hunches' and dropping into random conversations!
Iko :3- *glares at Kai* we must leave the unbeliever behind. Come pupil, you will learn the ways to the android
CaptainisKing- yes master.
Iko :3 has left the conversation
CaptainisKing has left the conversation
NotEmperorKai- it's not real! You're wasting your time
NotEmperorKai- and I'm talking to myself
CaptainisKing has entered the conversation
CaptainisKing- I sensed my name

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