The Newest Celebrity Gossip

332 19 5

NotEmperorKai has entered the conversation
Mechanic has been invited to the conversation
Mechanic has entered the conversation
Mechanic- what do you need
NotEmperorKai- okay, so I was online and I clicked on a link that led to a website that said that you were pregnant, PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE NOT PREGNANT!!!
Mechanic- Kai, where did get this?
NotEmperorKai- a very reliable source
Mechanic- *raises eyebrow* was it a celebrity gossip website?
NotEmperorKai-...a very reliable celebrity gossip website
Mechanic- well you and your 'reliable celebrity gossip' can rest easy knowing I am not pregnant.
NotEmperorKai- *wipes sweat off brow* few, you had me going there for a second
Mechanic- *rolls eyes* you know Kai, you can't believe everything you here online
NotEmperorKai- they had some very sound evidence
Mechanic- trust me Kai, if I'm ever actually pregnant you'll be the first to know
Mechanic has left the conversation
NotEmperorKai- wait, are you suggesting...
NotEmperorKai- CINDER!?
NotEmperorKai has left the conversation

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