Regaining Skills & Death?

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"So she asked you about your siblings so what man, you like her dont you?" Andy asked me as he hit the punching bag that I was holding for him.

"Yea but"

"But nothing" he stopped and got out of his boxing stance, "what happened in the past is in the past, and if you want her to be in your future, then you gotta let her in, even if it means telling her about what happen ten years ago, and besides if you let her in, then maybe, just maybe, she'll let you in." he said getting back in to form to start punching again. "If you know what I mean."

I nodded a yes to knowing what he meant. I do wanna tell her, but im afraid that she will be so scared to be near me that I wont ever be able to talk to her again.

"Dude if she likes you, like how you like her then shes not gonna just get up and leave all because of something that happened in your past." I looked at him confused. How did he know what I was thinking.

"You thought out loud. Just like you did right now." he said punching the dusty bag.

"Damn I need to stop doing that." I yelled kind of loud letting everyone in the gym know that i have some kind of problem going on.

"Switch me, I wanna punch this thing now" I demanded Andy. He gave me his boxing gloves.

I started hitting the bag in ways I never thought I could. I seen out of the far side of my eye that Andy was having a hard time keeping hold of the bag. But I kept hitting. I havent fought since I was 16. After that fight was over, my mom insisted

that I go to the hospital immediately to apologize to the guy I came a hair from killing. At the time he was just 19, now hes grown up and having to watch over the ones he loves, he still fights but not as much as Andy does but still more than me. I started punching the bag faster and harder, remembering the reason of why I fought him that day. But for me to let all these hits out on the bag wasnt me thinking of the reason, it was to how stupid it actually was and how now if Andy hadnt pulled me off that day, that guy still wouldnt be here, and the one he loves the most wouldnt be here either. I slowed down the punching 1. I was running out of breathe & 2. I started thinking about Nicola what if she did become mine, and at some point I got angry what/who would be my punching bag then.

"Dude I think its time you get back out in the ring." Andy said coming out from behind the bag.

He knocked me out of my thoughts "You know what happened last time I fought."

"Yea I know, and I know that you can control your hits, now you know when to stop punching on your opponent before he gets knocked out and more thoughts come to your mind."

"Nah I think im gonna just stay with the punching bag right now."

"Okay." After our conversation was over Nate ran up.

"Did you guys hear?" he said between taking breathes.

"Hear about what?" Me and Andy asked getting Nate a seat so he could catch his breathe, we could tell that he ran all the way from his house to here. Which is actually quite along ways.

"About the Green lady." Nate said turning the news channel on the Gym TV.

"'In breaking news, a Layton town Grandmother was found dead last night in a dark ally near the Wimbledon Stadium.'" the news reporter said.

"We now go to Witnesses on the scene that were there last night." she said as the screen flipped to an outside view of what was going on.

"Thank You Stacey. Im outside right now with a few witnesses to tell us what they seen last night for this terrible tragedy." The man said turning around to ask another man.

"What can you tell us of what happebed last night?"

"Now I didnt really know who she was or see the death of her but around 10 last night she came in to the diner, here behind me, to get some coffee I offered her a seat, and we started talking."

"Can you tell us anything you were talking about?" the reporter guy asked putting the mic back in the mans face.

"Yea the most thing I remember is that she had came from Wimbledon Stadium, she said she couldnt handle watching her grandson fight the guys in the arena, so she had to get some air and coffee."

"Thank you sir. Now onto the other witness that did actually watch the shooting and was also the one who called in the accident."

"Hello Mam, how are you today?" he said approaching a young woman. Dressed business like.

"How do you think I am, I just witnessed a death to the woman who I called my Mother. And then had to report it as well. Do you honestly think im gonna feel good after all of this. I mean I dont even know where my nephew is. My brother most likey wont see this until tomorrow. And who knows about his daughter. But if it'll make you shut up and leave me be, then im fine. Which is a total lie!" The woman screamed in the mans face. After that he made the cut signal with his hand and the screen went back to the Reporter called Stacey." Andy had turned off the TV. And walked over to me.

"Maybe you should see if she has seen or heard about this yet?"

I looked at him and nodded an okay and slowly walked off to get in my car and drive to her house. Its strange she wasnt even mine yet and I was driving to see if she was okay. Strange. But I kept driving. When I pulled in there was still no car in the drive way. I walked up to the door and rang the bell.

I rung the bell 3 other times knowing that she would probably still be asleep, it was still only 10 in the morning. I was about to ring the doorbell again...but the door swung open.

"If you dare ring that doorbell again, whoever the hell you are, I will find a gun and shoot you with it." she said still sleepy, pointing to where my hand was about to go.



Update Yay!!!

Im sorry to inform you but I wont be able to update again until Tuesday...

I went over my data plan on my phone and I have to stay from the use of the internet until then.

And my Laptop is a piece of shit so I cant go there.

but I figured I would let you know so your all not worried.

but anyways. questioning time

·do you think Nicola will know of her Grandmothers passing?

·Will her and Max come more closer since the passing?

Random Note:: I want a pet yeti. ya!


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