Eavesdropping Bailey

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Nicola POV

Bailey was coming over about 2 hours later. Andrea was freaking out cause she didnt know what to do or say to me after she made the suggestion of telling past stories. So she decided to go all out and make a big dinner, which of course I didnt mind I was craving whatever I layed my eyes on maybe it was the thinking that made me hungry. Who knows.

"Andie are you okay? youve been hustling back and forth from the kitchen to the living room ever since you got off the phone?" I asked as I kept watching her leave and come back into the kitchen time after time after time over and over again.

I wonder what shes cooking anyway. Sorry its just im hungry and dying for food and it smells so good.

"ANDIE!!" I screamed.

She jumped to my scream she dropped one of the plates she was about to set. It shattered everywhere. She didnt move. And I didnt move. It was strange after what seemed like an hour of staring but was actually only 6 minutes. Andie started to calm down. She still wasnt moving but that was because glass was all around her and she was afraid to move. I went and got the broom. I came back to see that Andie went all Ninja on me she had one foot on the counter, one hand on the chair, the other foot getting ready to push herself off the ground, and her other hand waving in the air.

"Andie wave your hand just a little bit more, it'll help you keep balance." I said making her do a funny move. She looked like a monkey doing the chicken dance.

"Hey that wasnt nice." she finally caught that she just looked like a fool. I couldnt help but laugh. I walked over and started sweeping the floor.

"Okay Ninja Monkey you can come down now." I said putting the broom aside.

Before anymore words were said, or asked, Bailey had a arrived. And knowing shes early, me and Andrea both freaked out and ran towards asking her the same thing.

"What Happened? Why are you here early? Who did you run into? Who are you talking to?" we both rambled on but Andie stopped.

"Did somebody steal your Yeti?!" They both looked at me as if I was on crack well unless some drug dealer got a hold of my ice cream im clean. I dont do that stuff.

"Umm No." she said pointing at only me. "But I did go to the store and over heard Max talking to his buddy Nate."

Andrea just looked at me straight away. It was like it was her usual day thing. If it involved Max I somehow needed to become the FBI and find every little inch of detail.


"I know we were being heard I mean seriously, what two random boxes are gonna fall and then you just happen to hear the sound of feet running away."

"No one was listening. And if they were it was probably someone who doesnt wanna hear about our bullshit problems."

*Flashback to store earlier*

"Who are you texting?"

"Nic. She wants to talk to me."

((Bailey POV

Nic? I could of swore I just her Nic. I decided to move around the corner slowly.)) [Back to Max]

"What she wanna talk to you about?" Nate was my best mate and all but seriously the dude asks to many questions. Even when the chicks arent around you still got the chick around. I mean he aint gay. And even he was I would still be his friend. We have been together since Day 1 of preschool, weve always been in the same classes.

"Why do ask so many questions?" he continued to look at the chips. "I mean no offense but your starting to sound like a chick."

"Take that back!" Nate shot me a glare as if I said something I should probably never had said.

I had seen nate get mad and hurt before. But ive never seen it like the way he looked now. "Okay. Its okay man calm down. I take it back." I said walking over pattin the back of his shoulder.

"Look all she wants to talk to me about is how me and her kissed in the elevator at school an-" I was cut off by two boxes falling from the shelf behind me.

((Bailey PoV

Shit. Fuck. Damnit. Gahh.

"Hello?" Max questioned the area.

Move your legs Bailey. Run Bitch Run. Move your legs. The male figure is approaching mayday mayday. Abort mission, I repeat ABORT!!!))

[back to Max]

I walked to the end of the isle to only hear footsteps going in the same direction I was looking.

*End of Flashback*

"I swear on Regans name that there was someone watching us and listening in on the conversation we had."

"Oh fuck this shits serious. You swore on Regans name." Nate said finally realizing what was going on in life.

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