Sad Moments Gain Trust

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((AN screw it im updating I cant take this anymore!!!))

Nicola POV

"MAX?!" I said realising who was at the door. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you were okay." he said looking at the ground like a 5 yr old had just been caught.

"Why wouldnt I be okay?" I asked him curiously.

"You havent heard yet, have you?" he said looking up at me with his dark chocolate brown eyes.

"Heard what?" I asked now letting him in knowing something was going on.

He looked at me with some pain in his eyes. He hesitated before speaking and questioned himself if he should even say anything. I was about to ask him again, when he finally said something.

"Your grandmother wa-was shot last night." he said taking a step closer to me.

I took in the shocking news, I tried to find a chair to sit in but instead I tripped over my steps and landed on my ass. I cried over the news and my now throbbing ass. My eyes were really blurry but I heard foot steps.

"What happened?" I heard Andrea say as she stopped on her feet.

"" I said between whines trying to catch breathes.

"What?" Andrea even started to cry she saw Ellen as her grandmother as well. Everyone seen her as their grandmother, she was just that sweet, funny, lady everyone known and loved.

I finally got pulled up off the ground. I didnt see who but either way all I know is I hugged them tighter than anything and cried in their chest for what seem liked hours. But was really only a 45 mins.


Even though she probably didnt know it was me she was hugging. She didnt care apparently, she just wanted to hold on to someone. I wanted to tell her it was gonna be okay, but I know what ever I would plan to say it wouldnt bring her grandmother back. Nothing would. But I opened my stupid mouth anyways.

"I know this might not make things better but everything is gonna be okay. You'll make it through this." I said trying not to make her cry more.

She didnt say anything but she did tighten the hug a lot more. It actually hurt my sides a little bit.

"You're hurting me" I said with what little breathe I had. She chuckled at her own little strength.

"Sorry." she said quietly. She looked up at me. Her pretty brown eyes were watery and puffy, she had little tear stained streaks running down both sides of her cheeks. In a way she was cute like this. But also sad. She laughed a little.

"What?" I asked wiping away her last few tears.

"You think out loud." she said kind of smiling.

She had a beautiful smile. I hope she keeps it on her face cause, seeing her cry felt like I had just been hit by a truck.

She let go of me and turned to her friends. I forgot they were even here. They dont think I noticed but I saw them wiggling their eyebrows at Nic. She just took her little socks off and threw them both at the girls. This girl was embarrassed. Did she like me? Or did it just make her feel all awkward now?

Nicola POV

After Andrea and Bailey practically embarrassed me infront of Max they ran up the stairs laughing their little, soon to be kicked, asses like nothing had happened. I turned around to see Max was still where I left him.

"What about my brother?" I asked remembering Landon had left a note about him and Ellen going out.

"Well no one knows. Your aunt didnt even know where he is she practically freaked out on the news reporter." he told me.

"My aunt?" I knew I had an aunt and I knew she lived in Wimbledon but I never actually met her unless I met her at some point in my fetus childhood life, and I just dont remember. I looked up from my thoughts and seen Max was slightly laughing.

"What?" I asked crossing my arms.

"You think out loud too."



I just couldnt take it anymore

not being able to update until tuesday it was literally eating me alive that I couldnt.

if thats even possible

but still it felt terrible and I hated it..

Anyway questioning time

·Do you guys think Nicola is gonna meet her aunt?

·Will she be able to take the news that her brother was fighting in a arena?

·Will she be able to handle the other news that the news reporters didnt put on screen?

Anywho... Love ya!!

Randon Note:: Niall Horan can shoot a fucking basketball by kicking it like a soccerball and making the shot. Its on video he rt-ed go and watch it.

But yea I had to fangirl over that...again.

Love You!!


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