Max's Story (part 2)

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Hey everyone....its Thursday and im not at school cause my mom refused to come and get me...

anyways I saw this chance and thought I should try and bring the date to an end...

and answer Nicolas questions of Max

again hopefully

okay here we go story time


"Your brother shot him as well."

I was in shock. Is it true, of course its true Nic, what other reason would he say that for. More tears came from my eyes. Still no words were coming from. This made me think of Max's business in New York, what business did he have there?

"I'm sorry I just thought you should know that" he apologized.

I still no answer, just more tears and thoughs.

It was now Max who scooted closer and leaned in hugging me tightly. I cried into his chest. All he did was rub my back and say it was all gonna be okay. But it wasnt he didnt know about Landon being in New York, what if Landon was there to...I can even think of it, it just hurts me even more and brings tears to my eyes.

"What would Landon?" Max pulled away looking at me.

My blurry puffy eyes looked up at him, I realised I just said that out loud.

I was just gonna say nothing.

"He called earlier" I wiped my eyes again "Landons in New York, on business and now that you've said that, I cant stop wondering what business hes doing and if it.." I stopped still not letting the thought come back.

"If it what?"

I looked at Max again why was he so concerned. Why did I like that he actually cared about all this stuff. Why do I think that i actually might be falling for him.

"Well?" I finally let the thought through and told him...

"if it involved him of going to my dads apartment and killing him"

Max was the one silent now...

"I mean as much I dislike my dad for not telling me about Landon, hes still my dad and I love him more than anything, he can kill my mom just not my dad" I cried out more tears

Max just kept staring at me. He stood up.

"Do you trust me?" He asked making me look up at him.

"What?" confusion was all that hit my mind

"Do you trust me?" he handed out his hand for me to grab.

I couldnt help but let a thousand thoughts run into my mind. I could help but think, What is this boy up to?, at first I questioned if I should take his hand but that was after my hand had already tooken his and I said

"Yes" with a grin coming to my face

He smiled back, pulling me off the bench and walking me over to the fountain. He dug into his pocket and gave me a penny. I took it questioning on what he wanted me to do with it.

"Make a wish." he pointed to the fountain.

"What?" I stiffled a laugh

"Turn around" he turned me around with my back now to the fountain, "and make a wish."

At first all I did was look at him and try to think of what to wish for....and then it came to me, i closed my eyes said my wish in my head, and then through the penny behind me into the fountain.

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