eighteen ; babies

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emeraude added hunt! to frontstreet boys

kat: im boredddd

dominic: thats why we added hunter

hunt!: so i could make her unbored?

dominic: yes

hunt!: all the love, H. xx

kat: matthew gives u enough love, he gives us none

harry: thats a lie, matthew loves me

emeraude: malec

matthew: shhhhh we are trying to cuddle oh my gidddd


emeraude: whatsjadj

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emeraude: whatsjadj

dominic: oh em gee

harry: this isnt new news

kat: you r right, it's extremely new news

kat: who what when where why how?

matthew: hunter and i met (((((:

dominic: ahh young love

emeraude: did you kiss

kat: did you make out

dominic: did ya do the thing?

matthew: yes, sort of, no wtf

dominic: sorry for wanting it to happen

harry: i hope you guys have a great time together

matthew: thank you harry! we will!

kat: have babies

dominic: hatter babies

emeraude: okay, listen, hatter is not better than munter as a ship name dom, shut up

dominic: h8ers gonna h8

matthew: no babies yet

harry: YET

kat: YET

emeraude: YET



matthew: what have i done

kat: if you want babies now, buy some pizza, victoria secret panties and bras, chocolate, chinese food, and netflix. then chill on the couch for some baby love

harry: omg kat no

matthew: no babies pls

matthew: i am a babies

emeraude: tru

dominic: just put the key in the hole

matthew: shut up oh mt goddddd

kat: my idea was better sherat

matthew: I am leaving you peeps

emeraude: tell hunter i send lots of love for her!!!

kat: i send babies

mattew: bye omg


if you read any of my stories and I haven't update it in a while, don't tell me to update please. i have a real life where things other than writing matter. i dont need people breathing down my neck and telling me what to do and when to do it. i will do things at my own pace thank you.

have a better day than me!

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