Learn How to Love & Forgive

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Chapter 5: Lisa POV

I forgave Chris but we have been coming closer and I love Alex like my own child that little boy will keep you on your feet but I am happy that he lives with us now. Chris has been telling me more things now and I have been telling him more things to.

Morgan POV

I done with my father I am so hurt I miss my mom and brother more than ever I have No one they where my only family then when my mother and brother died a year and six months ago I only had my father. I haven't really ate or showered I just stayed in my bed and cried and slept. The next morning I woke up with a headache and I was throwing up my stomach line...,"ughhh" I said to myself as I brush my teeth I took a advil and got into a hot shower washed my body of got out put on some love pink yoga short and a pink and Nike shirt. I walked into my kitchen cause i was hungry and I made me a sandwich and with some chips and a clear fruit. I know that I am no hungry but I am not trying to starve myself. As soon as I sat on my couch and turned on the TV some knocked on my door I got up and answered it and it was Justin.

Justin POV

I went to Morgan's house so she can make up with her dad  and for us  just to chill cause I really want to  get to know her. Morgan opened the door with some Victoria Secret yoga short and a sports bra ohh I want this girl. "Hi Justin what are you doing here" she ask while standing in the door. " I came to chill with you cause you look like you need a friend, so can I come in." I said while waiting for her answer. "Yes you can I know you trying to make me make up with my father" she said will moving aside. I walked into her house and sat on the couch she came over and sat down by me and picked up her sandwich. "Can I have a bite" I asked while she was biting into her sandwich. "ughh here fatty" Morgan said while sticking the sandwich in my face. "Naw ma I am just playing with you but you do need to talk to your dad ." I said while text one of my hoes Jessica back telling her I can't make it. "I do forgive him I am just can't be around him and his new family" she said while putting her head down. This girl is pretty in I think I like her but how.

Morgan POV

I called my father he told him that I will meet him and Elaina for breakfast at Ihop at 8:00 am. I woke up and hopped in the shower washed up got out and lotion my body and put on some love pink yoga pants  a white truckfit shirt that says suck some dick for some truckfit in gold letters with some gold MK sandals. I hopped my white mini Cooper and drove to Ihop. As soon as I pulled into Ihop I saw Justin car in the parking lot so I parked my car and got out I made my way into ihop I looked around and spotted my father, Elaina and Justin sitting at a back table as I made my way over to the table I was wondering why Justin way here. "Hi" Elaina said with warm smile. "Hey" I said back as I took my sit. "Good morning Morgan I Justin was just here to discuss some business on what I need him to do so he's joining us for breakfast this morning." My father said while reading my mind. "Oh OK so I invited you guys here so that I can say sorry for the way I acted the other day I just thought that he was telling me everything in we was being truthful the each other but it wasn't happen like that so I got mad and out of control and I really apologize for my actions." I say with my head down. "I'm sorry for not telling you that I was dating I should have but I knew you was going to take it the wrong way like you did" my father said while staring at me I didn't say anything back because I just didn't feel like another blow out. "Well OK let order ummm...excuse me waitress ummm...we are ready to oder." Elaina said while waving her hand in the air like she crazy.

"Hi my name is Ashley and welcome to Ihop and what well you like to order." the waitress said while smiling at Justin

Elaina - I will like some Bacon eggs with some pancakes with strawberries on top with a coffee with 5 sugars and 3 creams.

Jake - I will have the same.

Me - I would like some Bacon, eggs, and pancakes strawberries and whip cream and cappuccino with whip cream on top and I would like that to go.

Justin - I will like the same thing but instead of a cappuccino I would like a lemonade and I will also like that to go.

"Oh OK I will be back with your drinks." the waitress said

"I forgive you for not telling me because its your business." I told my dad "I forgive you too Morgan and I love you." my father said "I love you too." I said then the waitress popped up with our drinks and me and Justin's food. "Oh OK do you want me to pay at the cash register." I said while standing up. "No I will pay for everything." my father said while pulling out his credit card. "OK goodbye guys" me and Justin said at the same time.

"Well that's good you made up with your dad." Justin said while waking me too my car

"Yeah whatever but what is it that he wanted you to do." I asked while sitting my food in the car.

"Nun of you business" he said while laughing which made me mad but I smiled a little. "Yeah but i guess I will see you later."I said while getting in my car in pulling off.

Lisa POV:

So me and Chris has been moving forward and we stay together and worked out our problems but this bitch Tina going to leave the baby on the porch with a note taking about she don't want him if she can't have Chris so we have Alex with us in I love this little boy like my own child. But when our about I'm about to go to the mall with Morgan in a few hours so let me go head and get ready. I got up and got into a hot shower and washed my body got out brushed my teeth then went to my closet and took out some bleached hi wait shorts white have tank top tucked in with so sliver channel saddles I took my hair out the pony tail hoping my curls were still there they were I put on some lip gloss and grabbed my purse and phone and as soon as I made it down stairs that bitch was outside blowing her horn like she crazy.

"Hey Moe Moe how did breakfast go.".I said while getting in the car  "Good but Justin  was there for some "business" my father and him said." She said while driving

"Oh OK" while turning up the radio cause my song was on Drake Own It.

We pulled up to the mall a few minutes later when got out and went to the mall we where walking around shopping I had got Chris and Alex 2 pairs of shoes and a few outfits. We walked into the food court and saw Mya and some dude talking and laughing so we walked over! o their table. "Hey" me and Morgan said at the same time. "Hey y'all Im sorry I haven't been calling or coming around I just been so busy" she said while look at the dude across from her. "Hi I am Jake" the dude said while smiling "Well I'm Lisa and this is Morgan" I said while pointing at her. "Hi Morgan and Lisa" "Hi Jake well we while see you guys  later." "OK bye nice meeting you" jake yelled as we was walking away.

We walked out the mall and went to BK and oder our food and started driving to my house but we talked on the way there. "So do you think the Mya and him are dating so that's why she not around?" I asked will eating a few French fries. "Yes did you see the way she was acting when we walked up to her like what's going into her." Morgan say shaking her head and watching the road. "I really don't know but she always do that and get played then want to come back around but OK I will call you later to finish talking bout this OK bye Morgan." I said as she pulled up to my house and I got out of the car.

Morgan POV

When I got home in put my stuff into the house ate my food and got into the shower and washed my body and got out and just sat in my bed and started watching TV and eating some chips and gummy worms I got the worse call ever. Do you remember I was always by your side you had a winner. My phone sings when someone is calling

"Hello" I said while eating a chip

"...........Got shot" the person said though the phone

"I drop the phone then tears starting streaming down my face as I pick up my phone put on my love pink jogging suit in my black uggs hopped in my car and speeded down the street and thought what if he dies I don't know what I am going to do?


I am so sorry for my mistakes and misspelled words I was on my phone in school and trying to do my class work so excuse me

                                          Love Ziggy

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