What going to happen?

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Morgan POV:

I make it the hospital and everyone was there I cold stop crying it was so hard to talk. My brother only one I call my brother has been shot I can't believe this Chris and Justin was shot while making a drop. My father told me but I can't believe that someone would try to kill them.

"The family of Christopher Love and Justin Moore" the doctor called

"OMG is they OK? Did they make it?" everyone said at the same time.

"Christopher is OK but Justin lost a lot of blood he will need a blood transplant or he may not make in 2 days." the doctor said as he walked away.

"If my son don't make it I will tear this hospital tf up" Ms. Moore said while walking out the hospital to make a call.

I walked away to go find the doctor  while everyone else went to go see Chris and Justin. When I found the doctor I asked him if I can get tested to see if me and him as the same blood type. As I walked into the blood drawing place inside the hospital I felt like passing out I hate see blood. I sat down then the nurse called my name they took my blood and gave me some apple juice and gram crackers. I walk to the waiting room and wen I made it the doctor came and told me I was a match n I will have to give some more blood I went to give some more blood but wen I was about to leave the hospital I passed out and hit the floor.

Chris POV:

We were walking up to Mike's warehouse where we were supposed to make the drop n I was shot in the leg and J was shot on the left side of his back I just could think of who shot us that shit crazy we have made plenty of drop to Mike n shit ain't happen none of the other times. Shit man I hope J make it cause I can't loose him too.

Lisa POV:

As we all walked into Chris room I notice Morgan was not with us. I walked over to Chris bed and grabbed his hand and just kissed his forehead.

"Christopher what happened?" I asked while taking  a seat by him.

"We where making the drop and we got shot but is Justin OK?" he said while sitting up.

"He lost a lot of blood n they don't known if he's going to make it he need a transplant but they have to find a match 1st." I said while wiping my face. Chris didn't say nothing but I know he was hurt cause Justin is like his little brother and it kills me to see him hurting like this.

Jack POV:

I was know the room wit Chris when the doctor came in and told me my daughter was hospitalized cause he fainted after give blood to Justin so he can make. I was proud of my daughter for stepping up and see if she was a match and she was.

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