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"Baby. My love, wake up." I whisper down Shawn's ear. He's already bare, laying on his stomach, clutching onto my pillow. I get on top of his lower back and kiss down his neck and over his shoulder blades and back.

I kiss his shoulder. "All mine." My lips slide down his back and rest against his right side of his back. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Shawn shivers and I get off him. I prop myself against the headboard and his hands falls on my lap as I cradle his head on my chest. "I love you so much Taylor." My heart beating against his ears. "I love you."

12:20 pm

"Taylor? Why are we at the place you asked me out at? I mean, it's amazing. Memories are beautiful. It's perfect. I'm just so... lost." Shawn says as he adores the mountain hills.

It's a ballroom area up in the high tops where we've had our dance. "I want to promise you something." I tell him and pick him up so he would sit on this stone gate. I get down on one knee and slip out this black box out of my back pocket.

"Life with you is incredible. And I know I've messed up, terribly this year but I want to make it up to you. Three wonderful years, perfect years between you and I. I want you closer than ever. I love you so much. Sure, you can be sensitive and clingy. That's my favorite factors of you. It makes you so caring and brave. I love kissing those plump lips of yours. I love staring into those eyes that make me fall in love with you every time. Then your head fits perfectly in the crook of your neck. Your hands soft and puzzle perfect." I open the box and look Shawn deeply in the eyes.  "Let's get married in two weeks. It'll mark our four years my love. Will you make things official, will you marry me, my only, Shawn Peter Raul Mendes?"

Shawn hops off the high border and runs into my arms. I adjust his legs around my waist and only hold onto him tighter. "Taylor Michael Caniff, I will marry you. I want to marry you. I will. I will. I do." Shawn squeals. I feel his warm tears fall against my neck.

"I love everything about you. I would say everything I love about you but it'll only make me cry. This is so, oh, overwhelming. I love you so much. I'm happy for your future." Shawn says kissing my whole face. He finally reaches my lips and it's everything I've always fallen for.

"So a promising future with me, do you believe me? I promise I'll make us better. " I tell Shawn, putting him back down, I swing his hands together with mine. "I trust that you'll never leave me. I'm so sure of it. And I know you love me." Shawn says softly and for once I know I'm not disappointing him.


Do You Mean It ☹ SHAYLOR (ALYLM contrast)Where stories live. Discover now