t w e n t y o n e

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"I'm really sorry for what happened back there." Taylor reminds me away from the guys.

"It's okay. I guess Cameron was just backing me up. I'm sorry that you guys have an on and off friendship. I can't tell when he's cool with you or hates you." I rub his hips.

"Just being protective and all. It's okay. But hey, I love you a lot and I hope my past doesn't screw us over. I never liked him not one bit. It was only ever you." Taylor says and I end up cupping his face and kissing him hard, his hands trail down my back but I pull away and rise his hands high. "Not in public!"

Taylor and I walk back to our session hand in hand. "Okay guys, session adjourned." I announce and everyone begins to put away their tuxes or claim to pay for them.

"We're taking you guys out for dinner in thanks for coming with us and paying for your own outfits. There are two more dress rehearsals which means more free food as a thank you once again." Taylor tells the guys.

"Oh and you know Taylor, when it comes to food he's not cheap." I laugh and the other guys grow excited.

Taylor snakes a hand around my waist and brings his lips close to my ear, "Of all the expensive food, the only thing I could ever ask for in eating, would be you."

I smirk and give his bottom a little pat. "Off we go now."

5:20 pm

Taylor took the guys to a fancy buffet but I'm not too hungry so I'm just on my phone. "Come on, eat up. Are you worried about being fit for the wedding. Surely, you're perfect enough."

"No, it's just, I'm actually not that hungry." I tell him and he nods, walking off with Aaron for another round while I'm barely on my first.

"Hey! So, how's Taylor? I'm so happy for you guys. Literally, in high school I told Gil you guys were perfect but he didn't agree. Now look, husband and husband!" Jack squeals clenching onto the table cloth.

I laugh and flash him a happy smile. "I'm so glad. But honestly, in high school, I never knew he liked me. I was always in the wrong, looking for something in others. But I can't believe I didn't see him right in front of me."

"Damn, babe. That's so sappy. But I love you too." Taylor takes a seat down and kisses my cheek.

Jack squeals again, "Love you guys both and I'm so happy!" He jumps around on his seat. "Want to know a secret?" Taylor and I nod and Jack looks around before coming close in between us. "I like Gil."

"Oh my! Where is he. You have to tell him. You've been friends since elementary!" I say excitedly. "That's the thing... I don't want to mess things up. He doesn't even know I'm gay. And it took me a while to accept these feelings."

"When did you realize?" Taylor asks.

"When I saw how happy you two were with each other."


Do You Mean It ☹ SHAYLOR (ALYLM contrast)Where stories live. Discover now