t w e n t y f i v e

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"Oh baby! I have a surprise for you my love!" I hear Taylor shouting out, like one of those husbands from and old sitcom.

"Aw. I'll be up in a minute." I put my books away and rush up the stairs. Our door is ajar open so I let myself slip in slowly.

I look to see Taylor in only a robe, but it's open. "Tay? Babe, what are you doing?" I laugh and go closer to him, one hand over his neck and the other treading his member while I kiss him.

"I have a surprise. But we have to play a game. Like, a scavenger hunt for it. Ready?" Taylor tells me and I nod immediately.

Taylor stands in front of me with a note card. "What's something big that you love?" I go onto my knees and grab his member. "I wasn't expecting you to think dirty here. Shawn it's not a dirty game but we can play like that when I congratulate you after."

"Oh I'm embarrassed. In that case, I love pianos and guitars. They're big things." I shrug. "Exactly! You've got one. Now go to it and tell me what you see." I furrow my eyebrows but head to my guilts and see a card inside it.

"What type of people use these equipment?" It reads. "Musicians, uh, artists. Famous people?" I guessed until Taylor nodded that it was correct.

"Have any clue of what my surprise is?" He asks me and holds my note cards. "It's something I over heard you talking about then suddenly got jealous." Not a good clue.

"Last one, go get the card in our most biggest room, where we spend most of our time sitting." My first thought is to go check the couch. And when I get there, Taylor indirectly points out that there's a note sticking between the cushions.

"So, big things, music, famous people, big room, seats. I hope by now you realize that I've got you tickets to the biggest music award globally." I read the note out loud. When I turn to Taylor, I immediately jump on him and wrap my legs around his waist. He almost bounces me up and down and I know he's liking the feeling of his member in between us.

"I'm so happy! You knew I wanted to go! I'm so happy. I love you so much." I miss him all over his face, sloppy and slobbery.

"Not just yet. I even go tickets for Cameron and Nash to go. I know you like the company a lot. And I love you more. This is just an engagement gift." Taylor says and kisses me hard on the lips while holding me tighter.

"This is great. And it's literally tomorrow. So last minute. I was actually making plans to watch it on the tv with Cameron while you have your interv- wait you can't go tomorrow because of that!" I sigh.

"Remember how I said I would never lie? Well I lied this time. But for good intentions! Surprise, baby." Taylor smiles.

I'm holding the world in my arms, who gives me the world.


Do You Mean It ☹ SHAYLOR (ALYLM contrast)Where stories live. Discover now