I cant beleave it

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                  The summer has come and gone Eric has left for home and promised to be back soon. Collage was getting ready to start but as it got closer I got cold feet and dicded to take a year off from school and work to save up money. At the end of summer I gave my hoouse to my uncle and started to stay at pjs house alot as we both went every wheres togeather any ways. One day i was watching a show on tv while he was at the store with his mom shopping and it was about transgender. The more I watched the more I was like hey thats me thats what i am going thru. As I sat there watching it I didnt here him and his mom come in "what ya watching there bud" Pj ask me. So I tell him what the show it and that the show is like me and how I feel I should be. "ha sorry but that dose not sound like you one bite" he says as he changes the channel to nascar. I get up and go out side for a walk Shortly after I leave he pulls up "come on get in well get something to eat" so I jump in the car and we leave for mc donalds.We get what we want and of course I pay due to him not haveing work and we sit and talk more about that show "I have noticed that you are more girly then anyone I have ever seen" Pj tells me. "I think its time I started to stay with my sister and her husband . they have a lot more room and you can come over when ever you want to" I go one and tell him I mean there is me him his mom and dad and his grandma all liveing in a 2 bed moble home. He agrees with me on it being crowded there "Ya lets finish eating well get your stuff and ill drop you off at your sisters. Pluse my folks think we are gay seening how we sleep in the same bed under the covers and we go all most every where togeather" he tells me and I just laugh "Ya you couldnt hanlde me anyways im kinda of crazy" we both laugh at tha comment. (yes at this point in life I am still a vergine and he knew that and so didnt alot of other people) We finish up eating and I grab my stuff put it in the car and head to my sisters. after I get there I make my self at home i go and get my new room set up witch is a big room now. after he help me gett settled in he says good bye and head back home after he leaves my sis come in "so who is he how did u meet and is he good to you?" she starts asking me. I just shake my head and tell her hes just a friend and I let her know everything else about him. "So you came here becouse you go scared when he said gay couple and I bet you still like Eric dont ya?" she just had to start in "no I didnt get scared I wanted out becouse I told him I wanted to be a girl and he laughed and as for Eric its been 5 months now and I havent heard anything from him." I go on and tell her and at this point im starting to get fustraded about the fact he hasnt call texted emailed messaged or even wrot a letter to me sence he left. she can tell that talking about Eric was pissing me off so she changed the subject fast "we have some people comeing over later to party and drink if you wanna come up all i gotta say is change into something more cumfy theres clothes in the closit for ya" and with that she got up huged me and left. I looked in the closet and sure enough she filled it with alot of clothes shirts paints shorts dresses and skirts so I started to go thru them till i found the right outfit to wear. I quickly changed and went up stairs to join her as her friends started to show up. After a while we where all drunk and haveing a great time untill my step dad showed up to see why we where all being loud at 2 am. As he walks in he looks at me and sees me wearing a dress and sandels as he walks towards me everyone starts to leave becouse they know how he is. He walks over and grabs my arm and bring me down to my room "where in the world did you get the dress and why the hell are you wearing it?" He starts in "SHE got it from me i filled the closet when i know SHE was comeing to stay" I hear my sister say. he walk over to the closet and starts pulling everythin out and tossing it on the floor and then turn to my sister "take these cloths and put them in your room right now before i throw them out and HE knows better then this and knows enought not to dress this way. And you are HIS big sister and should not incurage HIM of this behavore anymore.". Don just stands there as Tia start to take the cloths out and put them in her room "you better get out of that dress and sandles now and dress like the guy you are from now on" He says to me. So not to get him even more mad I change quickly and hand the stuff over to my sister so she could put them in her room.

Growing up as Transgender in Upstate New York (MtF)Where stories live. Discover now