Chapter 9

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"So, where are we going, Mr. Alpha?" Rosalie questioned, grinning at the man.

He smirked, "I overheard you talking to my daughters earlier about Olive Garden. I figured I would take you there. My cousin works there and got us a table early."

Almost immediately her eyes lit up, Dimitri chuckled as she was practically bouncing with excitement. Once they reached the restaurant she sped out of the car and waited for her new alpha. He laughed at her excitement, as they entered he made sure she was close by his side.
He narrowed his eyes at a man who was eyeing her, his eyes filling with lust. He could smell the arousal on the guy, making him scrunch up his nose in disgust. He was shocked when Rosalie noticed it too and brought herself closer to him. He was relieved when they had finally reached their table, away from that man's desire filled eyes.
Rosalie briefly wondered why Dimitri was so possessive over her around other males. He wasn't like that with the she-wolves from his pack, so why was she so special? She pushed the thought away though, more focused on enjoying her dinner with him.

Twenty minutes into dinner and Dimitri was hogging the breadsticks. Every time she tried stealing one he would smack her hand with a bread stick. Rosalie playfully glared at him as he smirked back at her. She grinned as a plan formed in her head, slowly, she inched her hand forward to act as if she was stealing a bread stick. As Dimitri went to hit her hand with a bread stick she snatched it from his hand and shoved it in her mouth.

"You just took my weapon!" He pouted.

She rolled her eyes and swallowed the bread. "You're such a child."

"I am not a child." He huffed.

She raised an eyebrow at him, "Oh really? Shall we talk about what had transpired just a few seconds ago?"


She grinned and patted him on the head, "That's a good little alpha."

"Darling, I'm not little." He smirked as his eyes went a shade darker.

"Oh? Are we talking about height wise or weight wise? I doubt your dick is big."

He gaped at her as she just innocently smiled. Using his shock to her advantage she snatched the basket of bread sticks and guarded them.

"Now, they're mine." She cheered, taking a bite of one.

He scowled at her, "Jerk."

"Eh, I would consider myself cunning. A trickster."

"Nope. You're a jerk."

"Uh huh, says the guy who hogged the bread sticks first."

"But now you're hogging them."

She nodded, "Exactly."

"And you call me childish." He scoffed.

She raised an eyebrow, after staring at him for a second she look at a bread stick as she held it up. "Ya know what is such a shame?" She suddenly asked.

"What?" He asked, taking a sip of his water.

She sighed as she studied the bread, "This bread stick is probably bigger than your dick."
"Oh, and you're going to try and tell me my tits are small? Are you blind? A double D is not small, thank you very much." Rosalie stated.

Dimitri went to argue when someone awkwardly cleared their throat. Both wolves looked at the waitress who bit her lips nervously.

Dimitri smiled before pointing at Rosalie, "Are her tits small or large?"

Rosalie gaped at him, "You can't just ask someone that!" She shrieked.

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