Chapter 39

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The next morning Rosalie stayed in her bed, not wanting to even see Dimitri. She decided that she would no longer share a room with him. He lied to her. He assured her that he was over Christine, that she was good enough for him, but he lied. She pushed Cyrus away, rejected him, and allowed him to leave. All for the one man who loved someone else.

It hurt, it crushed her heart to know that he would never love her. She sighed as she rolled over in her bed.

Cyrus would have been the wiser choice. She thought bitterly.

It wasn't until five in the afternoon when she finally left her room. She walked down to the kitchen and froze.
Sitting there was Dimitri, he had a faraway look in his eyes as he stared at a glass of water. She bit her lip, she was tempted to walk away, but her stomach chose that moment to growl. The sound had earned the attention of Dimitri, who's eyes lit up.

She masked her own emotions and ignored him. She could feel him watching her as she searched through the fridge. Her wolf was telling her to talk to him, but she didn't want to. She couldn't. She knew the truth, she didn't need to know its details.

"Rosalie." He whispered as she turned to leave.

She stopped, "Do you love her?"

He didn't answer.

"I'm not going to ask again, Alpha Black." She snarled.

His breathing hitched as those words left her mouth. "I-I...I don't know."

"Well, let me know when you do."

With that, she walked back up to her room. Not wanting to look at him or even be near him.

That night she could hear him breaking things in his office then his bedroom. She didn't care though, she simply shoved ear plugs into her ears and went to sleep.

It continued like this for a week, the only time they were in the same room together was when they had to talk about the rogue leader. By Sunday the spies told them the leader's location and what he was planning. Even though Rosalie was completely ignoring Dimitri, he still refused to hand her over.

She was confused the whole week, he told her he loved her. He kissed her, teased her, did everything a boyfriend does. Only to turn around and drown himself in alcohol, then not even knowing if he loved Christine still. Her heart was torn in pieces, even when his family members tried talking to her she refused. All she wanted now was to leave. To take her brother and her pack and leave.

It was slowly killing her, every day she felt more empty. After the third day of not speaking, Dimitri stopped trying to talk to her. He didn't even look at her, she also found out that he was visiting Christine a lot during the week. She felt betrayed to say the least.

She sighed as she stared at the moon lit forest, marveling its beauty. After a while she smiled and decided that run is what she could really use. She quietly left the packhouse, making sure no one saw her. Once she knew she was safe she shifted and took off.

She sprinted through the forest, not caring about her surroundings. As she ran she cried and howled, releasing all her pain. For hours on end she ran, not once did she stop. By the time she felt worn out she collapsed next to a tree, empty of energy and emotion.
It took her a minute to realize she was no longer on Dimitri's territory. Matter of fact, she had absolutely no idea where she was. She sniffed the air and relaxed as she recognized the scent of her old pack. She got up and shook out her fur before walking in the direction of her old packhouse. She almost laughed at herself, her old territory was at least a two hour drive from Dimitri's place. She could only imagine how long she has been running for. She didn't bother to shift back as she entered the packhouse, she was too exhausted to care.

She finally shifted back and ran up the stairs to her old room. She searched through her drawers for the little clothing she had left behind. After she was dressed she sighed and collapsed onto her bed.

Fresh tears rolled down her cheeks, "What am I even doing with myself?" She thought aloud.

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